Mar 01, 2005 02:43
Another week of intrigue and suspense. First off, my car has been on the verge of molecular breakdown for months now, but it wasn't until two weeks ago that it was obvious something had to be done soon. The damn CV Joints on both sides have been giving way and started to make that awful grinding noise when I drove and turned. Well, I finally took that in on Sunday to a Princeton mechanic. He was over Three Hundred dollars cheaper than some local Minneapolis hussler. So, my sister assisted in the drive and on our way back she informed me of a very interesting fact.
My dad knows I'm gay. Ooooh. Bang the drums of drama-film-worry. Sometime last month I had mentioned to my pop that I needed to talk to him about something, but not over the phone. He of course persisted on asking the subject matter and I refused to discuss it further. He then calls my youngest sister and asks her what's up. The funny thing is, that I blew this conversation with my pop off and forgot it. Mistake. My little sis denies knowing anything, through she does because my sis are like that(imagine my fingers crossed). My dad says, "Tonys gay." Flat out. And my sis says, "How did you know?" Jackie you sweet thing. "You just told me." Sly Dad. Devious Dad. Clever trickster Dad. So my parents have known for a month about this and I haven't talked to them much, but there has been sutle hits dropped that I have only seen due to HINDSIGHT(mankinds gift and curse).
So, today I had the talk with my pop and surprisingly, he seemed cool about it. Mom on the other hand still is in the fog. I'm just surprised by this whole thing. I wouldn't share this sort of thing online if it wasn't so weird.
Before all this happened I watched the Oscars last night. Why do I watch such contrived, undernourished, platforms of Hollywood waste and gluttony. Look whos wearing this. Look whos wearing that. It's like prom for the fucking rich. Except without the disco ball. Oh wait. Beyonce was there with her thousand diamond necklace. Grosssssssss. Fun otherwise. With my sister I mean. Shit show if you haven't guess my thoughts on it.
Another oddity is that I finally recieved my cellphone today. My Samsung e315. It was suppose to take three and a half hours to charge and it only took around an hour. I felt like I was in a timewarp. But not the Rocky Horror kind. I can't wait to take pictures of my honey.
Translation: "Later."