Welcoming Back the Creative Muse

Jul 20, 2014 12:41

Welcome back, Morning Pages! Oh how I have missed you so, and not even allowed myself to acknowledge it.

How I've missed your revelations!

How I've missed the creative brainstorming!

How I've missed the free therapy!

How I've missed filling the well and feeding my inspiration!

How I've missed your needed kicks in the butt

Not surprisingly, I have a new novel starting to flesh itself out on your pages. Again, not surprised that I wrote new song lyrics the night after returning to you.

How wonderful once again to feel a sense of confidence and direction in what I'm doing and working toward.

It probably also didn't hurt to finally finish The War of Art, facing the final Resistance that writer Steven Pressfield talks about.

inspiration, creativity, creative life, morning pages, resistance, the artist's way, writing, the war of art

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