My Beloved Yunho [YunJae]

Feb 29, 2008 19:20

My Beloved Yunho
Length: One-shot
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Summary: Jaejoong had to deal with Yunho after someone spilled the beans to Yunho about something that Jaejoong did not intend to tell him.

Jaejoong sighed as he fixed his eyes on a figure which sat so far away from him. Every time he tried to close their distance by scooted closer towards him, Yunho would immediately distance himself further. When he tried to hug Yunho, the guy would push him away. There was a time when his ass landed so hard on the marble floor because of that push. This was so nuisance. Why the heck he should get this kind of treatment from his love?

No, he knew why. He was just stepped on the front door when Yunho rushed towards him. He raised his delectable eyebrows in question. Although Yunho always did that whenever he came home, this time it was so different. Yunho always welcomed him with a warm and cheerful smile, not like this - a face which filled with questions, jealousy and also rage. Yes, that was Yunho’s expression this morning.

“Yunho” Jaejoong called softly with a hope that icy heart of Yunho would melt. However, that would never happen. Not when Yunho still with his original position - did not even move an inch. His eyes still dark and no cheeky smile on his face.

You might think Yunho would be a tough, calm guy like what he always acted when they met their fans or when they performed. No, he was not like that. Yunho was a soft-hearted person like him too. But the only difference between them was Jaejoong more sensitive than Yunho. Conversely this time, it looked like Yunho had taken that from him.

One more time but this time Jaejoong risked himself to sit on Yunho’s laps. When Yunho protested and tried to get up, Jaejoong put one of his hands on Yunho’s hand and the other one on his waist, preventing the guy from avoided him. A sigh of relief slipped off Jaejoong’s lips as Yunho stiffened his body - stopped protesting.

“Yunho” Jaejoong checked out his boy friend expression, to find if there was any response from him but none. Yunho was still with his serious look. Although a pout on his face made him even cuter. Gosh! Yunho did not know that it really tempting Jaejoong.


Yunho did not say anything. His eyes fixed on something else. Sure he was a little touched when Jaejoong had tried to coax him for about a hour but then his heart still felt ached when his mind kept rewind those words that he heard from that person. He hated to act girlish like this. It was not like him though. Why Jaejoong did not tell him at the first place?

“Yunho, I know I’m wrong. I should tell you before I went out with her. But I afraid you’ll be mad like this”

Yunho turned his head, facing Jaejoong’s guilty face. His heart was on fire. “So, do you think by doing that behind my back would make me happy, Kim Jaejoong?”

Jaejoong gulped. Yunho never called him by his full name after they officially became lovers. Now he used it that means he really was angry. S**t! He should never go out with Yoona if he knew this was what it going to be. But then, the problem was he did not expect someone to tell Yunho. Who was the one who spilled the beans to Yunho? That person really wanted to die!

“Yunho, it was not like that…It was not my intention to. I - “

“Cut it off!” Yunho sent a deathly glare to him. With a little hard push from Yunho, Jaejoong had to stand up and watched his lover moved, away from him. He saw a frustration beneath those brown eyes. He did not want to see that in Yunho. Silently, he scolded himself for making Yunho like that.

“I can’t believe you don’t have any faith in me Jaejoong” Yunho ended his words as his feet brought him to their shared room and closed the door with a loud slam - loud enough to make Jaejoong deaf, slightly. He did not bother to stop when Jaejoong called him.

Jaejoong sighed again but not long as his ears caught voices from the front door. Those familiar voices told him their three dongsaengs already finished their basketball game with Kat-tun. Yoochun came first followed by Changmin and Junsu who busy fighting with each other. Jaejoong heard it was something about food. Of course if it regarding to food, Changmin would never back up.

Yoochun caught a misery Jaejoong who stood so dumbfounded in the living. He raised his eyebrows. Never did he see Jaejoong so despair like that. Maybe it had to be with Yunho, but why? This morning when Jaejoong went out, both of them acted like a happy, romantic couple. It was only like… Yoochun took a glance at his watch, about 5 hours ago. Aish! What was happened to his two hyungs?

“Hyung! It was unfair. That’s my cake!” Changmin grunted as a pout formed on his face. He stomped his feet on the floor before threw his body angrily on the couch. Yoochun shook his head, did not want to interrupt the argument between his two band mates. So, he walked towards Jaejoong, ignoring what Junsu said to coax the youngest. Although Yoochun knew, it was not that hard. Just promise Changmin a cake or any other foods, Changmin would smile again.

“Jaejoong hyung” Yoochun put his hand on Jaejoong’s shoulder. Jaejoong turned around with a half-hearted smile. That was definitely not a good sign. And as precise as Yoochun’s instinct, Yoochun would say YunJae was having their couple fight.

“Sorry, I haven’t cooked yet”

Yoochun shook his head, “No worries, we already eat with Kat-tun, but hyung” Yoochun stared deep into Jaejoong’s eyes, “Is there anything happened between you and Yunho hyung?”

Before Jaejoong could answer, Junsu cut in their conversation and somehow what Junsu said made Jaejoong sent a deathly furious stare towards Junsu and that really made Junsu shivered under that stare.

“D-did I say something wrong?” Junsu stuttered and little by little he moved backwards. Changmin looked at them with his puzzled look.

“What did you say Junsu? I think I don’t hear it very clearly” Jaejoong said with that kind of dangerous tone - the same tone that police would use when they questioned the criminals.

Junsu was so dead now. “I-I said ahh,” Junsu scratched his head nervously, “How was your meeting with Yoona?”

“You saw us?”

Junsu shook his head furiously, “I didn’t saw you hyung”

“Then how do you know I went out with her?”

“Err…” Junsu looked at Yoochun who just stayed silent, and that guy looked quite interested in to their conversation. Yoochun was not helping. “Changmin told me”

“Mwuh?” Changmin’s voice came into the conversation. Now, it was his turn to shiver when Jaejoong’s attention was completely at him. S**t!

“So Changmin…” Jaejoong crossed his arms over his chest with his firm expression, “Do you have anything to say?”

Changmin gulped, “I-It was not me who saw both of you. Takky was the one. He told me he saw you fetched Yoona up from the airport. And he said you two looked like a couple,” explained Changmin. He was afraid of this Jaejoong. There was one time he made Jaejoong’s angry and as a result his hyung did not make him any breakfast, lunch and even dinner. However, he was so fortunate that Yunho helped him to wheedle Jaejoong. Starting that day, Changmin promised to himself, he would never make Jaejoong angry again.

“And you told Yunho?”

“No I didn’t, I only told Junsu” Changmin pointed towards Junsu who had silently tiptoed into his room. He better ran away from furious Jaejoong before anything happened. And he was right this time. As soon as he closed the door of his bedroom, Jaejoong’s high pitched voice echoed in the apartment with some cursing followed after that. He would deal with that after Jaejoong had calmed down.


Yunho hugged Jaejoong’s pillow tight towards his chest. He missed Jaejoong’s lavender scent. He did not want to be this enraged towards Jaejoong. No, he did not want to. However, the fact that Jaejoong did not tell him about Yoona made him felt ache.

Did Jaejoong have feelings towards Yoona? He shook his head. No, he loved Jaejoong and he believed Jaejoong loved him too! But why Jaejoong had to hide that from him? It was not like he would attack Yoona or even locked Jaejoong up to prevent him from seeing that girl, a member of So Nyuh Shi Dae.

Or could it be… Jaejoong had lost interest in him? He knew Yoona who before this acted in Super Junior’s MV, was a kind and soft girl. She always smiled and always gave people a calm feeling. Perhaps, Jaejoong was attracted to her.

His heart felt hurt.

Knock! Knock!

Just two knocks on the door before it was opened from outside, revealing Jaejoong’s body with a tray of food on his hand. Yunho only glanced at him before turned his head in the opposite direction. He did not want to face yet. But then he was afraid to know the truth. What if all his thoughts were true? What would he do if Jaejoong leave him?

He could feel an added weight on the bed as the mattress was shifted downward. He could feel also that aura - Jaejoong’s aura, next to him. He could also smell that familiar cologne of Jaejoong. He wanted to see Jaejoong but he could not.

“Yunnie-ah” Jaejoong voice - that voice always sounded good in his ears. Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrapped on his waist and a chin landed softly on his left shoulder. He could feel Jaejoong’s hot breath and indirectly made him shiver.

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to make you mad” Jaejoong said softly. That was the truth; his purpose meeting Yoona this morning was mainly because of Yunho. It should be a surprise for him but because of big-mouth Junsu, he had to tell Yunho. Aish! It was his fault too.

Yunho did not make any move but his heart was eager to hear what Jaejoong wanted to say more. He should, right?

“I called Yoona last month, asking if she could come to Japan because of one thing” Before he continued his words, Yunho cut in and of course it made him shocked.

“No! Who the hell told you that?” Jaejoong faced Yunho who looked quite lost. There was no way he would fall in love with Yoona when his heart was already being stole by Yunho. “I don’t love her, Yunnie-ah. No, never. You’re always in my heart. Don’t you remember what you told me on our second anniversary?”

Jaejoong entwined his fingers with Yunho’s. He was glad Yunho did not back away from that touch. That was a good thing.

“You told me we are one. You have my heart while I have yours. That is us. No one, no one can ever separate us. We promised to be besides each other, do you remember it, Yunnie? I would never leave you. Not to Yoona, not to anyone else” Jaejoong said with full details. He had to make Jaejoong believed in him. A tear fell on his cheeks.

A soft touch on his cheeks made him looked up, meeting Yunho’s soft expression. Yunho wiped his tears with a smile on his face. The smile was so genuine. He knew that smile - the same smile he got when Yunho said ‘I Love You’ to him.

Slowly, Jaejoong was brought closer into Yunho’s chest. His hands were wrapped so tightly around Yunho’s while one of Yunho’s hands combed his hair as the other one on his waist. Jaejoong did not realize he cried out. Why? He did not have the answer. It was a reflex.

“Mianhae” Yunho whispered mellifluously, “I’m sorry. The thought of me losing you made me behaved in that way. I’m sorry”

“It’s my fault Yunnie-ah”

Yunho broke that comfortable hug and stared at his gorgeous boy friend who never made him felt out of love. “It’s my fault too. I should ask you properly instead of ‘attacked’ you” Yunho chuckled on his own words; “But Joongie” Yunho brought Jaejoong back towards his chest. He loved to have Jaejoong in his arms. “Why do you meet her at the first place?”

“It should be a surprise” Jaejoong pouted, “If not because of Junsu, that is” Jaejoong mumbled but he continued it anyway. “You remember the sketch that we made together when we were first officially became couple”

“Of course, I love that sketch. Somehow it reflects your love for me. Unfortunately a fan stole it. Why do you ask?”

“Well, Yesung told me that they found that sketch in one of this bargain stores. I knew how you loved that sketch. And at the same time, Yoona knew the owner of that store, so I asked her to get it for me. That’s why she was here today”

“What? All this morning I mad at you because of that?” Yunho shocked, unbelievable. That was very unfair for Jaejoong. He should not do that to Jaejoong, “I’m really really sorry. I- aish!”

Jaejoong smiled warmly, “It’s okay Yunnie-ah. At least you’re not mad at me” Jaejoong gave a peck on Yunho’s nose. “But Yunnie, you should remember that I do trust and love you, arasso?” Jaejoong sounded like a captain who gave a command to his recruits.

Yunho chuckled, “Ara, I would never repeat the same mistake again. But you should also tell me everything, don’t let me think the wrong things anymore”

“I will. Erm, talking about that do you think we should punish Junsu?” Jaejoong looked thoughtful, “I think we should”

Yunho shook his head in amusement before cupping Jaejoong’s chin who looked at him in puzzled, “Yes we should, but then… we have more important thing to do first,” said Yunho huskily as he leaned forward, closed their distance.

Jaejoong knew what was waiting for him. Just one second for him to feel that familiar texture of lips on his. It was so sweet. No matter how many times they had kissed, he still longed for those lips which only belonged to only one person - Jung Yunho.

Yunho broke the tender kiss they shared as now his forehead met Jaejoong’s. They did not exchanged any words because their heart already beating for each other.

“Saranghae Joongie ah”

“Nado saranghae, Yunnie”

Yes, that is YunJae’s love - a love which is so pure that no one dares to contaminate it. The question comes arise: Can they survive in this love? Can they hold it still? Can their love win against the obstacles of their reality life?

They could not answer it yet. But for sure, as long as they were besides each others, as long as they could feel the other breaths on them, as long as the touch still lingered on their skin, as long as the feelings still buried inside their heart… they knew they could face it.

Because… that was their destiny.


No matter when
I’m confident that I’ll protect you forever
The thorns stuck deep within your heart
If they’re pulled out, I’ll hold you close
An endless dream

Time and time again I’ll grant it for you,
Everything that you wish for
The single most undeniable brilliance in this world,
Time and time again I’ll give it to you,
What you’re looking for
All your hesitation will melt away
And let’s live, together

You're the only love forever


-the end-

Credit to: dbskarchives for the lyric “Forever Love”

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