A Day of Saki Hope

Mar 07, 2013 22:46

Yeah, we found a new vet. I feel more confidence in her already. Unlike the arrogant vet we had been dealing with, this one is unassuming, nebbishy, but reeking with experience. And not only do I not have to argue to be allowed to accompany Saki for all procedures, my petting Saki during the blood draw was expected. The facilities are hole-in-the-wall crummy, and we'll miss the nice digs of the old place, and Maurice the vet tech, but not the unavailable vets with aggressive treatment plans and little attention to side effects, and the receptionists who try to make decisions for you and put you on hold forever. The niceness of the facilities was also a wall they used between them and their clients. The front desk workers here are so much more on the ball and responsive. The relief I feel at making the switch is incredible.

Saki is most likely dealing with rising thyroid values due to the lowering of the prednisolone, which would account for her increased playfulness and restlessness, along with the weight loss. And her little heart is beating very fast. We should get the test results on Saturday. This would be much better news than a worsening of her inflammatory bowel/sc lymphoma, and should be easy to get under control. Hold on, little girl for a couple more days until we know what to do with your meds.

So it is a much better day. I cannot say what it meant to me to get the comments of support from ya'll during the dark night and in the morning. Life is so much better with my flisties in it, and I'm so grateful.<3 I'm sorry I've fallen behind in commenting on posts--so many of us have so much crap going on with us.

So here's an example of what my hyper baby has been up to this evening with her favorite hand knit catnip mousie:

The Mouse is mine.

The beast at work using her strong back feet to disembowel the prey.

Perhaps I should rethink my violent compulsions and embrace a pacifistic existence?

Screw that crap! Oh mousie, I love to nom you!

To nap or not to nap. That is the question.

After we got home from the appointment, I took a walk around the lake and caught a spectacular sunset. I also saw a beautiful hawk--I think a red-tailed hawk, capturing some prey right next to the path a few feet in front of me, who then flew with it to a tree stump several feet away to munch on it. Luckily, I couldn't catch a view of what it was eating, but enjoyed the hawk's beauty: chestnut back and wings and chestnut-spotted white breast.

To top off the day, on the way home from my walk, I finally made first contact with the beautiful long-haired stray that I've been seeing around the Co-op parking lot and the next couple of apartment buildings over from mine. I've been putting out food for him whenever I see him. He really looks like a ragdoll mixed with tabby--I haven't gotten close enough yet to see if he has siamese blue eyes. Today, I ran into him in front of my building--first time I've seen him here, and though he ran, he hung around close enough, so that he was still around after I got food out of my car. I carried it making a big circle around him and called to him where I placed it, and then walked away from it. He made a big circle around me and went right to the bowl, so he now knows I'm a feeder, and that my call means meal time. The lines of communication between us are now open.

I have more hope now that Saki will make it to her 15th birthday this September. A much better day.

Also posted at http://lavendertook.dreamwidth.org/133789.html with

greenbelt lake, cats, strays, saki

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