Sackville-Baggins 1, Brigit 0

Oct 22, 2012 23:02

When I went up to Warwick this weekend, I found that someone had taken away the shelter I had made for Brigit, both autofeeders, all the food therein, and the bowls.   So that was sad and something I can ill afford, but I've been braced for it all along. I was afraid adding the second feeder might get the attention of someone who wasn't happy about the feeding area being there, but I was hoping after 6 months it might be OK. But no, someone's territoriality was probably piqued by the expansion--maybe they thought next I'd be putting up tents or a pet food store or something, or were just offended that hungry cats were being fed on the defunct cement sewer cover behind the church and decided it was time to do away with it. Such are the vagaries of looking after a creature you can't protect in your own home.

Brigit is well, however, and I hope was not too many days without kibble, but she seemed satisfied with the new auofeeder and makeshift shelter I made her.  A nice man who lives in a trailer behind the church invited me to use a corner of his land bordering the church cemetery.  I'm crossing my fingers he won't change his mind down the road. I went over to the Walmart and got a new autofeeder, a plastic box to shelter it in, using the lid as a porch, and a small plastic patio side table to fit in as the porch roof, and I added a brick on top to better secure it from winds. Hopefully, this will work out. If I tried to lead her back to the stables she ran off from, it would expose her to crossing a dangerous road, which might have been what did in her sister, so she's better off in this area.

Here she is this summer sitting on the cement sewer cover.

This pic gives you a better look at how she shed the fur off her sides during the heat of the summer, with a wide mohawk effect on her back.

This was the feeding area I had set up there a few months ago, that went missing sometime last week. I'm sure it's a much nicer view of the browning weeds and dead branches now without Brigit's shelter in the way. I hope the new spot will prove friendlier to her.

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cats, strays, brigit

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