Nov 11, 2008 13:37
Just went to Aki-con's first.... con. >.>
XD T'was fun! Very small, though. I went with Nana and Sabrina on day 1, Nana on day 2 (though Heather, Paige, Alex, and Sabrina were there ), and just with Sabrina on day 3 (though Kasey, her brother, and one of the girls I met at Yaoi con were there ). <3 I bought a Hibari wallet from the dealer's room, as well as a couple of small Code Geass figurines. XD From the artist's alley I got four adorable Pokemon postcard-sized drawings. SO CUTE. :D
I was Hibari on Saturday (crappy) and went to a photoshoot. :D Pretty cool, though I think it dragged on an awful lot. Erm... went to a couple of prop panels, which makes me REALLY want to make props now. XD; Which is good, I guess, since I would really like to at least have oblivion (if not oathkeeper, too) when I cosplay Roxas for Sakura-con. There was also a cell panel, which didn't really teach anything, but was fun nonetheless. :D
Ah~ almost the entire volunteer staff was made up of this one Tae Kwon Do dojo. They were so cute! <3
Really, the only downsides to the whole thing were the long drive there and back every day, as well as that one creepy guy stalking me the whole weekend. ^ ^;;; Otherwise, it was fun. <3
P.S. I wanna make doujinshiiiii~ :O