I am allowing myself two more hours to be upset. I've never told anyone that I was upset that I didn't get Captain, but of course, my banging around the house let Marelda and Murdag know. Marelda told me not to break anything, which means that if I do break something, I will regret it for a very long time. (Caedmon's comment was that the Bones family has been making wrong decisions for years and this was nothing new and then he offered...well I can't write that here.) I have larger problems to worry about anyway, we're going to win a match, even if I have to force all of Gryffindor Tower to try out. I will be so enthusiastic that it will be sickening.
I have to watch my potions when I get back to school for my condition. Murdag is thoughtful and will continue to send them, but I mustn't run out.
I will miss Murdag. I do not think people understand. She is my best friend. She is the person who knows all my secrets. I do not like leaving her here alone with Marelda or somewhere that she could be hurt upon accident. I love Murdag. It will be a hard year for me this year, I think perhaps that is why I was the most upset about not getting Captain. Still there is Ray to keep me company. And Lyn. And Francis.
I suppose that this is what I deserve for mocking him the other day.
Seventh year is going to be an interesting year. I'm rooming with the Head Boy, the Youth Representative to the Wizengamont, and Ray, of course and Joshua Marks. Still.. Congratulations on Head Girl, Heather. I was too caught up in the moment to congratulate you properly.