Happy Mother's Day Karen

May 11, 2007 23:36

So this morning I decided that even though I wouldn't be getting any fancy jewlery or dinner at a uppty restaurant or even flowers and a damn card, I would make the best of this weekend. I was on cloud nine, I dropped off my kids and did my housework, cooked dinner early, painted my toes and fingernails, did up my hair and thought about how nice this weekend would be, because maybe just maybe God would see fit that it be a decent day for me.

Now the night before I received a ticket in the mail for a car I sold over 2 months ago. So, now I'm wonder WHY ME? 160 dollar ticket in my name.

But I said I would not let that get me down and I would make the best of this weekend, I would go to the birthday party on Saturday and see grandma with flowers at the cemetary and even head out to Fullerton and see Grandpa before he leaves us too.

So I'm riding in my truck today picking up Chad and I think to myself, should I go this way. Nah, I always go this way, why change it today. But in the back of my mind, I kept thinking, I really should go another way. I got stuck in a DUI/Immigration sting. There was no way out. They had cops at every corner down every street, there was no where to go and here I was without a license.

So they stop me. Ask, License? I don't have one sir.
Turn here please.

Now I'll cut to the chase, the officer I got was the sweetest thing to ever walk Gods green earth. But his supervior can EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!

He asked me why I didn't have my license and I let him know that it was suspended for medical reasons. He said ok asked for all the other stuff. I gave it to him. He said he would ask his super if I go with a warning. He went over and I heard him tell his boss everything, how I was almost to my destination and that I was legit and just having a bad day. But his boss looked right at me all the while stuffing his fucking face with doritos and said TOW HER!!

I wanted to just die. I've never gotten a ticket and never been in trouble with the law I didn't know what to do. The officer came back and told me he had to do it and that I needed to get everything I needed out of the truck and leave the keys. So I grabbed my cane and hobbled out of the truck. He looked almost sick. Like Oh God did I have to take the cripples car...
I felt bad for him. He helped me with my things and even called DJ who called Chad to come get me. He said my truck should be good to go come Monday (He thinks), but now my Mother's day is shot.How is Chad gonna get to work, I'm gonna have to walk 2 miles to get Jessie to and from school, I can't do that. The money I had set aside was for groceries I don't know what I'm gonna do now, because I don't know how much it gonna cost to get the truck out.

So there you have it, I hope you have a better mother's day weekend than I'm having.
I need a hard drink and a hug.
well I've gotten hugs today...

a day in my life

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