So it looks like I won't be going home for spring break at all. I finally got my schedule for that week, and while I have three days off, they aren't consecutive. And when you have to drive 7 hours to get to your destination, you really need them to be consecutive
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Also, maybe you could ask your parents to help finance part of an iPod touch? And they might be willing to do it as an early birthday present if you really want one now...
I don't think my parents would be willing to give me any money for an iPod touch seeing as I already have a perfectly good mp3 player. :p I really can't explain why I suddenly want one. I just do. XD;; I'd like it better if it had a camera that was not 0.6mp though. If they come out with a new one with a camera as good as the one that's on the iPhone 4, then I'll probably get one. So, you know, like a year from now or something. :p
Hm... well, maybe just tell them you want amazon gift cards or something, then... :x But true, it might be best to wait and see what the next generation of iPod touches can do...
Hey, or you could get an iPad? Since the new ones came out, the first generation ones are significantly cheaper. And then you can use wifi and listen to mp3s and a hundred other things!
My parents are like the least tech-savvy people on the planet. I'm not even sure they could figure out how to get an Amazon gift card. XD;; But who knows? Chances are by the time the next generation of Touches come out, I won't want one anymore. :p
IPads are kinda... not quite portable enough for me? (I know, I know, their main point is that they're portable XD;; ). I was more interested in something mp3 player/smartphone-sized. Otherwise I could've just gotten a nook color for way cheaper. XD But I'm glad you're thinking of alternatives! ^_^b
Heh, I hear you. My mom has to call me to figure out how to delete files, sometimes. /facepalm.
True, it's not as small, I was just thinking if you wanted the smartphone-like ability, you know? The Nook I know will also play mp3s, if that helps? Though I don't ever use the web-browsing function on mine, I don't think it's really very useful...
I left my desktop computer at home when I moved, with a set of instructions on how to use it and my mom keeps telling me the instructions disappeared and now she can't figure out how to use the computer at all. XD;; Then again, she hates computers, so she might just be lying about that. :p
True! Though I think they're about as expensive as a smartphone anyway... just without the data plan. I've used the web browser on the nook color, which is much easier than on the original nook you have, for sure. But I don't read enough books that aren't manga to make it worthwhile to me. I mainly want the mp3 and web browsing capabilities.
Haha, who knows what it is with mothers and computers, I guess... Ah well.
Hm. Yeah, that does sound like you really just want an iPod touch, then. :x
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