Jan 18, 2009 03:03
It's in the script, dude!
Why James Bond always scores
show details 8:18 AM (18 hours ago)
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Even if it was a real newsletter, I wouldn't be subscribing to it, and you know WHY? Because tech shit bores the crap out of me! That's why there are tech people - they don't get bored with it! Am I alone on this one?? Send me hamster stuff, or rat stuff, or claying stuff or genealogy stuff, but don't tell me I actually asked for an Ad Tech Advertising newsletter. That's just insulting.
Right, lack of sleep mixed with migraines is getting to me.
HAH!!! Amusing ----> my spell checker has underlined the "kissmyass" and the "i'llgetrightonthat", but it left the "bullshit" one alone. HA!! Did I mention I was amused?
silly people,
lack of sleep,