TITLE Weak Tea and Strong Medicine
FANDOM Axis Powers Hetalia
CHARACTER/PAIRING Liechtenstein, Switzerland
SUMMARY Drabble, ~500 words. 31_days prompt
He can almost hear how hard her heart is pounding, but her hands are still and calm as she pours the tea for him. There’s almost no point in making it; she has already begun to ration her extraneous goods, and the liquid coming out of the spout looks more like it came from an unused waterspout than a sensible teapot. Switzerland says nothing, though; she’s doing what comforts her, and what in another time would have pleased him. It still does, but it is difficult to smile in these times. After pouring a cup for herself, Liechtenstein sits, smoothing out her skirts before looking at him. They are familiar motions, but her face is different.
“How has it been,” he asks finally, picking up the teacup and glancing at the contents. She doesn’t answer immediately, looking away from him to her feet for a moment. She is thinking, how much should he know, and how much is her own business? They have had a few years together, but in these times, nothing is ever stable. It’s a thin line they straddle; he wants to care for her, but she is not his to protect. They must work together, but she must be able to keep her secrets, and yet there are things he must know.
She speaks. “I sent a letter to Austria and Germany, thanking them for their-assistance in the matter.” Switzerland snorts. They attempt a putsch, and she thanks them for their help in putting it down. Diplomatically, it was the right move. “It helps that they aren’t particularly interested in me,” Liechtenstein added, clasping her hands in her lap. They weren’t-at least, not yet. She was merely a steppingstone on the way to him; she herself was of no value to Germany, except possibly a bit of pride.
Diplomacy, in Switzerland’s opinion, was full of shit. But right now, it was all they had; shit tea and shit politics.
She cannot sit still, and ignores her tea. Instead of fidgeting, she stands up, and walks to the phonograph hidden in the corner of the room. It is almost antique, a cast off from someone, probably, but it works. A few moments later, Switzerland can hear the beginning sounds of some opera, something she had probably first heard when she still lived in Austria’s house. Idly, he wonders of her prince’s possessions in Austria and beyond-would Germany respect that? She stands in front of the phonograph for a moment longer, and he realizes that she is silent because he hasn’t said anything.
“You’ve done well,” he says in a slight rush, putting the teacup down on the saucer a little rougher than he had intended to. She turns her head, either at the sound of porcelain or at his voice, and smiles weakly. She doesn’t scold him for any breaks in protocol; she never has.
“Thank you,” is what she says, and she’s sincere. He nods, turning his attention back to the teacup, briefly checking for any cracks. It’s still whole, he thinks in relief, and for now, so are they.