Major twist in LJ Idol Land for those not already in the know.
We have to find
partners for a writing collaboration. On separate topics. I think I am excited about this. I think.
I am just excited to have broken the top 100. Now I'm shooting for the top 50. Let's see how much longer I last.
I made an interesting discovery today. The baby nurses every hour. Yes indeedy, I timed it. It's no wonder my boobs always hurt. Ugh. In fact, at one feeding today, she nursed, took 10 oz of formula, and then nursed again. I think my baby is a tapeworm.
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's teething, and also she's probably going through a growth spurt. But it' killing me. She's cranky all the time lately. Boo.
Hmmm.. back to wondering with whom I shall find myself partnered. I have a shortlist in my head, but of course welcome anyone who wants me. :-)