Just a quick thing I was thinking about concerning Dean and Bela.
Dean and Bela are very similar outwardly. They're snarky, they're good at what they do, they don't seem to mind casual sex, and, oh yeah, they made deals that doomed them to hell.
I've made it no secret how Dean has been annoying me, and he's really been doing it since season three (Zachariah will back me up). He's either whining, complaining, being emo, or, more often, being a passive aggressive jerk. Even when he was owning up to the fact that he made a deal to go to hell, he was shutting people out and being suicidal over it, really not caring who he hurt. It took several episodes to shake him out of his funk and even then he didn't do everything he could to save his own life by No Rest for the Wicked.
Bela is almost a foil to that. While I'm sure she spent the first few years after making the deal enjoying her freedom (and possibly her money, she was a minor and I'm not sure how inheritance works in England), but it is implied that all of the dealing and trading she was doing was merely in an effort to save her own ass.
Even now Dean doesn't want to save himself. He seems more content to sit back and cry about what he did due to the deal he made (not counting 4.03 or 4.19; apparently, Dean getting upset about his parents is okay to me because I have issues). He's just given up. And you can argue that he's had this really hard life and he deserves a break and okay, but didn't Bela have a rough life? She was molested by her father and her mother did nothing to help her, and then who knows what happened to her after she was orphaned. (And if you're getting into an argument about that, Sam has is worse than either of them and Mary deserves to be the biggest woobie on the planet.)
I just can't stand Dean who makes decisions and then complains about them in a way that hurts other people. And I've said this time and again, but I'll never stop saying it until he cuts it out. Bela never complained about her situation. Gordon and Dean want to shoot her in the face? Fine. The boys are telling her she's a horrible person for making a deal to kill her parents? Fine. She's not going to blab about how they destroyed her childhood and scarred her for life. She's gonna suck it up and tell them to go to hell. And if Bela was saved by an angel, you know she wouldn't be sitting at the side of the road crying. She'd be celebrating!
For someone who says that there's no destiny, Dean is sure its bitch a lot. Everything he's done has played right into the YED's plans and Lilith's plans and I'm sure eventually Castiel's plans. Bela made her own life. Her parents wanted to fuck her over? They get to die. And I'm sure everything else in her life followed that same method up until her death. She isn't going to whine about her circumstances. She's not even going to ask for help until she really needs it and then it's gonna be on her terms because there's few things you can do that Bela Talbot can't do better.
Bela actually CARED about herself. She had pride and dignity and self-worth, and Dean pretends to have those things but he doesn't and I find it so hard to care about him sometimes when he can't care about himself (which goes back to the whole daddy thing because Dean KNEW he deserved better than John, but it still hurt and that is understandable). And when he can't care about other people because that seems to be it more and more. At least when those people interfere with his emo time. This used to be about saving people and hunting things but now it's about what he can do to feel better and it always just makes him feel worse and he's doing everything for all the wrong reasons. Everything seems to be out of obligation rather than out of purpose and he's just dragging himself through life and whatever, Dean, coming back from the dead to a loving family and an awesome car is so hard compared to being in hell.
Shit happens. You don't have to forgive, you don't have to forget, you just have to accept that it happened and GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
I know the whole "Sam being like John" thing has been anvilicious lately, but it seems like Dean is becoming more and more his father's son in all the worst ways. Neither of them can get past what happened to them and Dean never will if he stays in this state of mind.
If Dean can learn one thing from Bela's, it's this: when you need it, you can ask for help. And Dean needs it. He needs it emotionally and mentally and spiritually. And then when you're strong enough to be on your own again, you won't need that help anymore, and maybe you'll feel stupid that you ever needed help, but feeling stupid is a lot better than feeling empty and worthless.
I know that everyone who reads this will completely disagree with me, but that's okay, I had to say it. Feel free to debate it with me too.