Thank god I have my desktop for now

Aug 21, 2012 01:38

So, just when I think everything is set for me to get ready and move, my laptop keyboard decides to stop working. Three crucial keys are out of service: n, h, and y. Those are really important letters! My name has a y in it, for goodness sakes. It was working on and off yesterday and hasn't worked at all today. My laptop is almost two years old and out of warranty so it would be $230 to send to Toshiba to get fixed and who knows how long that would take. And even if I wanted to take it to like Office Depot to some place and get fixed, there's no way I'd have it back in time to leave Wednesday morning.

Obviously the fix is to get an external keyboard, but that is going to eliminate the whole lap part of laptop. I wasn't really planning on taking it to class with me because portability isn't really the key feature (17" screen, not very light, poor battery life overall). Now I'm considering maybe getting something like a netbook that I can bring to class to type notes on or use between classes while I'm waiting. A netbook is basically the same price as getting my laptop fixed and I can still have my laptop around and use it for things that need a lot of power, like games, graphics, editing videos, etc. I mean, with the laptop working for basically everything else, I'm not sure this is the right time to make an investment on a whole new computing long-term computing system. Of course, I thought this laptop would last me until I finished my Bachelors, not just my Associates.

All this said, does anyone have any suggestions for things to do/what to buy/where to buy it from? There's really just not enough info online about netbooks as there is about laptops, desktops, and tablets.

As the bright part of my day, we got everything to fit in the car and I waited until after I got home to cry after saying goodbye to my friends so...bonus overall. (Also I won Clue. Because I always win Clue.)

whining whiner who whines, help?, *headdesk*, computers suck

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