So, instead of working on school stuff or writing or catching up on other shows during spring break, I watched the entirety of two new shows instead.
The first show I started watching is Young Justice, which is an animated show almost based on the DC comic of the same name. I would say close enough,'s not really. I have a large history of refusing to watch because it's wrong in a lot of ways. Most ways, actually, very few things about it are right. It does things that I do not agree with on basically every level. And yet...and is wonderful in so many ways. This is literally me watching this show:
The things I have cried over would embarrass probably every single one of you because it is insane. It does not help that DC decided to ruin everything I love and hold dear and Young Justice tries to fix it in the wrong way. Or sometimes the right way if that way is pseudo-twincest. I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS, OKAY? A LOT OF VERY CONFLICTING FEELINGS.
But honestly, it's a very well made show and it's very easy for not-comic-people to get (however, because of the things it's wrong about, it's a difficult jumping off point for viewers to get into the comics). Voice acting is a little...not great, but even that you can get used to. If anyone wants to give it a try, YouTube has a lot/possibly all of the episodes.
I'm very new to the fandom, but it seems nice? There's a lot of good icons and different kind of fic. AO3 has a lot of really great gen fic. I'm not usually a genfic person, but it's really good. I mean, THERE'S FEMINISM GENFIC! Also a lot of different ships: canon, het, slash (of course there's slash, it's comic fandom), and femslash. I have recs (some are applicable to comic fans too, as long as you know the characters)
By Any Other Name: Gen. Superboy moves in with Lois Lane, who is a badass.
Hurricane Drunk: Gen, with some slashy undertones. Roy is old enough to buy liquor. Wally and Dick make him do it a lot.
Trials and Tribulations: Gen. When the YJ team is de-aged, Roy has to step in as babysitter.
Silence: Gen. Miss Martian learns to deal with the flirting of a male team member by asking other female superheroes for advice. FEMINISM GEN FIC, YOU GUYS.
There's a ton of other great fic that's gen, or various pairings that would kind of be spoilery to put here, but I would be happy to give the recs out to people who would like to read them anyway. <3
I also started watching Breakout Kings, mostly because I was totally not reading a magazine at work and I saw an ad for the second season, and I had to give any show that has Brooke Kevin (Kat from SPN) and Serinda Swan (Zatanna from Smallville) a chance. It's a good show, I like it. It's kind of like Leverage meets Alphas meets Criminal Minds, but not as scary as Criminal Minds, which is frankly a terrifying show. Unfortunately, the fandom for Breakout Kings is very limited (I couldn't even find an icon post), but still worth watching, I think.
That is all I accomplished during my break. Oh! Except all Wednesday I made phone calls like an adult. So, you know what, SPRING BREAK ACCOMPLISHED.