Final grades are in and I managed A's in all of my classes. I'm pretty sure my ASL teacher was waaaay too generous because I messed up my video like crazy and she still gave me a 98% on it and a 96% overall. I'm also nominating myself as geology queen of the world because my final grade in that class was 105%. *pats self on back*
Life is really boring other than that, just work and relaxing when I'm not at work and mentally preparing for next semester by playing all the Sims I can while I have the chance.
Thank you to everyone who said such nice things to me on the santa love meme. <3 <3 I love you all so much.
Since there's nothing else going on in my life, here are some memes that I have taken from various places around the flist:
DVD Commentary Meme. So let's try it: pick any of my stories, a line, or paragraph(s) that have you have questions about/like/dislike, etc., and I'll provide some background/headcanon, future projections and motivation for what was written.
RELATE ME! When you think of me, what is the first thing that pops into your mind related to me in the following 10 categories:
TV Show
Other LJ user
The first word you think of when you think of me
You don't have to explain, just list the first thing that pops into your mind. You don't have to do them all, just whichever ones you like.
Oh, and for the writing members of my flist who might want to do some fun challenges and stuff over the next few months, I recently joined a landcomm just for writing and they have some neat things if you want to check it out. It's called
writerverse and it's open to both fanfic and original fic and it's just a way to stretch some of your writing skills and get you completing stuff, especially if you're like me and fail at finishing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you do decide to join, you should totally be on Team Prose with me (we could use a few more active people!).