Between Haven and Doctor Who, I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION.
UM. NATHAN AND AUDREY. KISSING. HUGGING. BEING IN LOOOOOVE. GOD, THEY ARE SO PERFECT. I'll admit, there were tears. The happiest of all tears. <3 <3 <3
All the stuff about Duke, OMG! I mean, I figured that he'd be relevant to the mythos at one point or another, but clearly he's not going to KILL Audrey. I like to think that even if he didn't love Audrey, he'd be better than this.
CRAAAAAAIG. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIG. I loved Craig so much last year and he and Sophie are together and they have a BABY and the baby is so cuuuute. I'm so glad that they revisted him, he and Sophie were so great.
AMY HAS A PERFUME. Which doesn't really work with my theory about her being a classics major (SHE LOVES ROMANS, OKAY?) but her face is up there and people want her autograph and she and Rory go shopping like regular non-time traveling people AND NEIGHBORS WITH CRAIG OMG HOW AWESOME IS THAT? RORY AND CRAIG CAN BE BFF. FUTURE TIME!CHILDREN CAN HANG OUT WITH ALFIE, IT'LL BE FABULOUS.
The Silence appearently wiping River's memory makes me feel better about a lot of the plot holes of River, so that is happy! I still kind of wish River wasn't their daughter though. Like, River on her own is pretty cool and the idea of a Time!Kid is AWESOME but by making River the time!kid, it kind of ruins the good parts about that idea, mainly the...kidness...
But whatever, I am still excited!