So, today I went to go see my academic advisor. Yay academics and advising? I am well on my way to graduating and what I have to take next semester is pretty much what I expected: Statistics, wellness, a biological science (either intro to bio or environmental. Maybe anatomy. Suggestions?) The only thing that threw me off is that I need four credits worth of electives, which means either taking two classes or another language. They don't offer ASL 3; our ASL 2 class barely got approved because it only has 11 people. The main campus has all these cool options like Hebrew and German and Russian and Italian, but of course my campus only has French and Spanish. So unless someone can sell me on how wonderful and beautiful and easy French is, I will spend the next semester seeing how much Spanish 1 I've forgotten from high school.
We also talked about applying to transfer schools and I gotta admit that I'm freaking out about that. Applications don't need to be in until February, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never really applied to colleges before and I feel like I'm going to screw it all up, especially since there's a lot of schools I want to apply to. By a lot, I mean essentially every public school in Florida except for like 3, plus 2 private schools. And how exactly do you be like, "Private school, ILU, but please give me ALL THE MONEY so I can attend because I'm very poor"? I feel like being poor and wanting higher education will not work out as well as I want it to. Any tips/suggestions/reality checks?
Polybigbang sign ups start soon and I'm considering doing it based on manipulation from someone who shall not be named (mostly because you all know who it is anyway). I have no idea what I'd actually write, but I really want to write something because I am ashamed of myself. I am just not cool.
This meme has been going around my flist, so I'm stealing it from everyone who posted it:
Name one of my fandoms, and I will give you these answers:
* How I entered that fandom
* Fave character
* Least fave character
* OTP(s)
* Pairing that everyone likes but I don’t get
* Fave thing about the fandom
* The most despised thing
* If there is something I would change from said game/show/movie/etc., what would it be?
And a personal to do list because I'm too lazy to find paper:
-Math hw
-Geology work because we are already two weeks behind
-Europe/Russia discussion/essay
-Read about Sub-Saharan Africa
-Play the Sims cuz I miss it