So, I went to my grandmother's to swim because I LOVE swimming and haven't done it in forever. And I got sunburned. I know how not to get sunburned, I've lived in Florida for a very long time. I wore sunscreen (except on my chest, so I guess burned boobs are what I get). My nose looks like a can of coke.
I was so tired that I came home and pretty much did nothing but wait for Wipeout to come on. Fuck, I love Wipeout so goddamn much. If there was a Wipeout channel with Wipeout on 24/7, I would buy more than basic cable so I could subscribe to it.
Dearest Amy, please do not tweet things like "puppy sitting" because we all know what puppies make me think of, and then I'm going to have to write fic. And darling Sophia,
keep being awesome. Things to do today:
-Answer comments
-Write fic for
cw_land-Write fic for
leverageland fanmixes
-Write something for me
-Clean room???
Day 20: Favorite kiss.
This is a toughie because Sam and Dean are only kissing in Offscreenville. I mean, I love any time Parker and Hardison kiss, and Chuck/Blair still have some hot as hell kisses. But I have to go with Matt/Caroline's first kiss because IT WAS EPIC. I love them SO MUCH and I want them to be happy and get married and leave town and all the badness behind them. <3 <3 <3 And the fact that I don't have a gif of this is going to make me cry myself to sleep at night.
Day 01: A show that should have never been canceled.
Day 02: A show that you wish more people were watching.
Day 03: Your favorite new show (aired this TV season).
Day 04: Your favorite show ever.
Day 05: A show you hate.
Day 06: Favorite episode of your favorite TV show.
Day 07: Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show.
Day 08: A show everyone should watch.
Day 09: Best scene ever.
Day 10: A show you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 11: A show that disappointed you.
Day 12: An episode you’ve watched more than five times.
Day 13: Favorite childhood show.
Day 14: Favorite male character.
Day 15: Favorite female character.
Day 16: Your guilty pleasure show.
Day 17: Favorite mini series.
Day 18: Favorite title sequence.
Day 19: Best TV show cast.
Day 20: Favorite kiss.
Day 21: Favorite ship.
Day 22: Favorite series finale.
Day 23: Most annoying character.
Day 24: Best quote.
Day 25: A show you plan on watching (old or new).
Day 26: OMG WTF?! Season finale.
Day 27: Best pilot episode.
Day 28: First TV show obsession.
Day 29: Current TV show obsession.
Day 30: Saddest character death.