Dear people of the world,
If you're going to lie to me, don't tell my best friend something completely different behind my back because we talk about EVERYTHING and what you say will get back to me.
It doesn't make you sneaky, it just makes you an idiot.
No love,
They're making a Flash movie! I'm so excited even though Ryan Reynolds definitely can't play Wally. I hope they're going to for Wally. I sorta secretly still want Michael Rosenbaum to do it even though I'm sure he's too old. He's just perfect for the part though.
And a
Runaways movie! People have tossed around Blake Lively's name for Karolina and I can sorta see that. I also like Donald Glover as Alex even though I bet he's too old. This could be really good.
Gosh, I'm so bored today. You're so boring, OTH S2. Why do you have to have Maria Menounos so I have to watch you?