So, I know I've been a whiny complainer the past few days and I'm sorry. But it looks like Windows Movie Maker is fully corrupted so everything I've ever done with it is going to be lost. Which is about as fun as it sounds because I have one vid finished and my Bela vid that I've been working on for a YEAR will also be lost. At this point, I'm pretty much ready to just play them in WMM and film them with my cell phone so people can at least kind of see them. Because they're good. But I downloaded a new video player and I'm getting used to it.
On the bright side, I coinstar-ed a shitload of pennies and stuff I've had since I was like...10. $30. I bought Coldstone ice cream and tomorrow I'm gonna get a haircut.
Plus, against my better judgment, my friend says she can get me a job at her pre-school and we can carpool and stuff, so I'm doing classes for that so I can get hired. The first thing they teach us? Is how to use the computer. I learned to drag and drop, guys. I brought the mouse to the cheese. And how to use the SCROLL BAR! No, seriously:
I feel like I accomplished life today. Cuz I scrolled.
Of course, I'm behind on my flist because I was being a cranky pants, so please excuse me for not commenting. I apologize and will do better in the future. <3