Supernatural 5.04 Review

Oct 15, 2009 05:05

So, I was pretty much destined to like this episode. It was written by my husband, Ben, and directed by Steve Boyum, who did In the Beginning, which, I don’t know if you’ve heard, I liked. A lot. But I was still really hesitant about it, actually, because I had heard some not so great things, and overall two weeks later I’m…I’m okay about it. I liked it on first watch, but I don’t have all that much to say because it basically is what it is. One of the better episodes of the season, but I don’t think it’ll end up being a favorite.

Wow, it’s about time they revisited Croatoan, isn’t it? Look at all these season one and two flashbacks! Boys were such babies.

My soul is Rapture ready! I would like a pamphlet please! And that’s so lazy standing on the street corner like that, you’re supposed to go door to door.

Maybe the demons can’t destroy the Colt? I mean, that Samuel Colt was a pretty smart guy. And since Bela gave it to Lilith and Lilith is now dead, I’m kind of assuming it’s just floating around hell. Lilith doesn’t really seem one to have a will or anything.

Is Castiel seriously just standing at the side of a highway? Really? Really? Use. Less.

I have to admit, my friends and I laughed SO HARD at the minutes line. Usually, I don’t get Castiel’s humor, but that was both well-written and acted. Kudos all around. Show, see what you can do when you get good writers and directors? (I WANT MIKE ALREADY!)

The Batman voice is still annoying though. I would hang up on him too, Dean.

I like how Dean remembered to stop and get a six pack. Clearly important conversations mean he needs to have a beer.

I don’t think Sam really wanted Dean to panic over it. I think he wanted Dean to CARE. Not some sort of flippant, “It’s far too late for this conversation” reaction. More like, “Holy crap, Lucifer wants to top my brother.” Which, I get that Dean is tired, but he has more of the reaction that fandom had which is “Duh!” rather than what Dean should have, which is…not that.

Sam called because he wants to be honest (gold star for Sammy), but also because he wants an excuse to be back with Dean again. “Crisis, come be my big brother and tell me we can defeat this and everything is going to be okay!” Which is what they always do, all the way back to Dean coming to Sam in the pilot. And I think Sam was very disappointed in the reaction he got because to Sam it was less earth logic and more that Dean doesn’t love him anymore.

Dean, you can be Batman if you want. Jared is already my perfect Robin, so I think it works out well. You’ve already got the voice down too.

It seems to me that Dean is speaking more from a place of pain than what he really wants or thinks they should do because he is a couple seasons late anyway, especially since this is not a new revelation to him. I think Dean is scared of himself and of the future with Sam if they get back together and right now there’s nothing pushing him past that fear into a good place.

Whatever you have? Dean, it’s called an epic love. Plus buttsex. Ask Sera.

So…this set must have been really expensive? Also, kind of lol at dogs of peace because Sammy is the one with the puppy face.


Obviously Dean stands out because he’s the only one wearing clothes with color in it. And we’re going OVER the fence now, Dean. Or not.

The music this season is back to awesome now. Good choice. I mean, if I was slaughtering demons, I would like a jaunty tune to go with it. It kind of reminds me of what Chad wanted for Ash coming back.

My question is, how do they possibly have gas for the car? That doesn’t make sense. You’d think that’d be one of the first things they ran out of.


President Palin. Never a good thing. I kind of feel like Lucifer would hate her the most.

I love that little thing about Congress revoking the right to group assembly. I think that little throwaway line does a lot to show the state of the country when the bill of rights is just out the window.

If they’ve been sharing Dean’s picture and asking Christian groups to look out does that mean that…Dean’s like…an idol now?

Zack clearly ships wincest. And that’s why he’s my BFF.

NOOOO THERE IS NO KILLING BOBBY. THAT IS NOT ALLOWED. STOP IT RIGHT NOW DEAN GO HUG YOUR BROTHER AND THEN HUG BOBBY. Also, I hate the idea that from the position of the wheelchair and everything and the fact that there are no gun shots through the house, that Bobby was either killed inside the house at close range (meaning possibly Dean) or they just decided to bring it back there after he was shot in another place.


Metallicar! :( Oh, Dean is so upset. Oh, car. Oh, Dean. OH CAR!

So, clearly future!Dean is all John Connor. And I haven’t even seen any of the Terminator movies. Needs more Summer Glau though.

Everyone knows Zack is the coolest. <3

I…I think I’ve read that fic. About the panties. Except it was Sammy and not Rhonda Hurley. Oh, kink memes.

Dean, you just said to Sam that you were never going to see him again? Why would you possibly think you were with him? I mean, I know it’s that disconnect between what he says and what he want and clearly he wants and expects his life to involve Sam at all times. Plus, the idea of Sam dying and Dean not being there to stop it must be one of his biggest fears.

C’mon, Dean, do you trust yourself? I mean, it makes sense you really…aren’t to be trusted as we see in the next scene.

Man, though, Jensen is really trying to out-Batman himself this week. Sorry, honey, you’ll never be Kermit Christian Bale.

Hi, Chuck! It’s been a while, how are ya?

Wait, they have almost no hygiene supplies? THEN WHY DOES DEAN HAVE HIS PERFECT STUBBLE SHAVE AND PERFECTLY GELLED HAIR? He is a dick.

Dean, sleeping with the women of your camp? PROBABLY NOT THE BEST IDEA. I mean, this isn’t really the time to be repopulating and if they don’t have perishables, then I’m assuming they don’t have jumbo boxes of condoms floating around. Yet another reason he needs Summer Glau.

Man, Castiel is a totally different personality and I still hate him and think he’s a dick.

Misha basically just came into work and played himself, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Yeah, Castiel, I’m sure a constantly stoned former angel is SOOO helpful. Fucking useless.

I kind of appreciate future!Dean’s methods. He’s not going to risk infecting anyone else, he’s not going to let his colleague suffer, he just does what he has to do. I dunno, or maybe I’m just a heartless bitch.

The Dean vs Dean scenes are really well shot and edited. I just feel sorry for Jensen because not only is he the only main character in this, he’s the only main character playing TWO parts. While Jared is at home sleeping and playing with the dogs.

And as a note from the future, I kind of feel like the way Future!Dean is treating Now!Dean is kind of similar to the way Now!Dean treats Sam in 5.05… Just an observation.

Hi, Colt! I don’t understand why the demons haven’t destroyed you or at least taken you apart, but…hi! Also, hey, here’s a fun idea, why not GIVE PAST!DEAN THE COLT?! Or at least a run down of all the places the Colt has been or will be so they can be prepared in the next five years.


Oh, Dean, don’t get a stick up your ass. You’ve tortured before too. What happened to “they’re just demons”?

Did Castiel just use Earth Logic? It really must be the end of the world.

Hee, Dean said Zack. See, they must be BFFs too!

Why wouldn’t Sam say yes to Lucifer, Dean? I mean, really, you said you hated him, he has no family, no friends, no life. Living is too painful, Lucifer won’t let him die, what else can he do? The only people he loves abandoned him and here’s Lucifer saying pretty things and telling Sam how he’ll take care of him and making all the bad things go away and there’s only so long someone can go through that kind of torture without breaking. I do recall someone losing his brother and SELLING HIS SOUL not a few days later. Sam doesn’t even have that.

I just…I feel bad for the angels, actually. I mean, they think that God is there and loves them and then they think He’s not there anymore and what are they doing here if he’s not here? So they try to bring out Lucifer, think maybe this will get Daddy’s attention or at the very least they can have the final showdown and there will be peace forever. But it doesn’t work. None of it works and everything they’ve ever known, every purpose they’ve ever had is gone. What is there to stick around for?

And I think this is a really important scene to have at the beginning of the season because then Dean gets to go through the rest of the season with this in his brain, weighing his choices and remembering what he lived through. I think it’ll be interesting how it affects his character when Julie Siege isn’t writing.

I’m still not sure how they possibly have gasoline. Unless by then cars run on like…tree fuel except that would never happen because people would bitch about it.



The thing is, Castiel’s story should be absolutely heartbreaking and tragic, but Misha is such a crap actor that I don’t feel bad. A decent actor could have sold that, made us empathize with Castiel, with being on a higher plane, being that much more connected to the Creator, being MORE than human and losing it all and being a “mud monkey” but he isn’t and it’s not and I feel like that entire plot point fell short and Misha made it far too “hahaha, let’s be the butt of all the jokes” instead of the overcompensating, need of something else that he should be. It should be solemn with an overlaying of manic and that’s just not what we were given and I think that Ben’s writing was just not given justice there.

By the way, kudos to the wardrobe department because I think the colors and the washes of all the clothes have a really great feel to them and putting Dean in a richer color to make him stand out helps.

Castiel and the rest of the team is so USELESS if they don’t notice that. Fucking hell, how are they all not dead yet?!

Hi, Jared! Oh, I missed you lots! I bet you’re having lots and lots of fun. <3

But, um, question. If Lucifer is an angel and Castiel is an angel and Castiel lost all his powers when the other angels left, how does Lucifer still have his? Is it because Castiel sucks and he doesn’t? That’s probably it.

Jared, why do you look so good in white? I’m not in love with the outfit because you look like Colonel Sanders, but it’s still just not fair.

I like how Lucifer is just like, “This is awesome, except all you people are ants at my picnic.” But man, Jared is really selling it. <3

Now, now, Dean, he’s certainly not UGLY.

John’s probably in Heaven all, “SEE DEAN? SHOULD HAVE DONE IT WHEN I TOLD YOU TOO.” And then Mary hits him.

Btw, Lucifer, just saying that the last time Dean promised to kill someone? Was the YED. And we all know how that ended… Of course, he didn’t like Fred Lehne nearly as much as Sam, so… But you know, I kind of like the development to here from season one where the worst thing to Dean was that the YED was possessing John and Dean wouldn’t let John die to kill the YED. I mean, they’ve come so far in a really bleak and depressing sort of way.

Both of the boys did really well in that scene. <3 I hope they hugged lots and lots after.

Dear Zack,
Howdy, BFF!
So, you know how you can just magically bring people into the future? Well, I have a pretty blonde that I think could totally convince Dean to do just about anything in the entire world. Or since she is biologically related to him, she could be Michael’s vessel. Just, uh, just throwing that out there.
Hugs and kisses forever,
Kelly <3

I think Zack got all the earth logic in the angel family. *nods* Not that I want Dean to agree, but…

Deus ex Castiel blah blah. And he doesn’t have to change, it doesn’t help, he just has to GO AWAY.

True story: I watched the episode for the first time with my friend who was raised a Jehovah’s Witness. That was both funny and awkward. And no, she doesn’t like Castiel either.

Dean, the answer is always Sam. <3 I’m glad you’ve realized that. Also, has Dean gotten shorter? It looks like it.

Sam went without hunting for YEARS when he as at Stanford. I’m pretty sure he’s not that bad.


It’s an epic love story, guys. There’s no Sam without Dean and vice versa. <3 And that’s the moral of our story.

And 5.05 totally doesn’t happen except for the last few minutes that Sera Gamble wrote, right? Right. :D


JW: Have you taken time out to think about God’s plan for you?
Dean: Too friggin’ much, pal.

Castiel: This isn’t funny, Dean! The voice says I’m almost out of minutes.

Future!Dean: Give me one reason why I shouldn’t gank you right here and now.
Past!Dean: Because you’d only be hurting yourself?

Chuck: You ever get back there? You hoard toilet paper. You hoard it like it’s made of gold, cuz it is.

Dean: Go ahead. Kill me.
Lucifer: Kill you? Don’t you think that would be a little…redundant?

Dean: Well, if it isn’t the ghost of Christmas screw you.

Castiel: How did Zachariah find you?
Dean: Long story. Let’s just stay away from Jehovah’s Witnesses from now on.

dean winchester, sam winchester, supernatural, reviews

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