Jun 28, 2009 02:51
So, I saw Star Trek in a completely legal and not at all downloaded manner and I enjoyed it a lot. Chris Pine is smokin' hot and that actually helped a lot. I really liked most of the characters and Kirk/Bones is my OTP. McCoy gets so frustrated with his boyfriend.
The character that I actually had a really hard time warming up to was Spock. I always have trouble with the emotionless characters (see: Castiel) and I've never really been a fan of ZQ's acting on Heroes (I don't like Sylar pretty much at all) and I mostly just endure him because KBell is his faghag and if KBell approves, I can too. After the other character that I will not name because it's a spoiler but those of you who have seen it know who I'm talking about (the one that came on the ice planet with the creepy dinosaur things), I started to like him but I really only find him tolerant when he and Kirk are being BFF.
Overall, I did like the movie a lot. It was very pretty too. <3
And yeah, I know I'm late.
star trek