1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
CHAR'S EXTRA - If anyone else wants to ask me about any of my icons, they can post a comment here and I'll do more explanations.
I replied, she picked the icons, so here's the story (morning glory)...
The icon's made from a screencap of a Supernatural episode called "Monster Movie" that was shot in all black & white as a homage to old monster movies. The girl's name is Jamie - basically a Girl of The Week who got rescued, got to sleep with Dean and managed to NOT be annoying in the process.
I made it because, well...Lip!Porn. ^_~
Seriously - you've seen
Jensen Ackles, right? That man's mouth is sin, itself. I dunno who wouldn't want to be next in line for a smooch.
If you don't know who that is, I suggest you turn on the news for about 10 seconds. ^_~ I like Obama, I liked the pic, so I iconed it. Really nothing more to it than that. ^^;;
*le sigh* I'd originally intended to use those dress icons for
LJ Prom, but I lost my ISP service literally the day before. I liked the dresses, though, so I kept the icons around.
I used to swear I'd never wear pink, then I started wearing it. Then I reassured myself by swearing I'd never wear skirts, and started wearing them. This icon was my way of giving in to the inevitable - I'll never be Cosmo-Redbook!girly, but I'm getting less "tomboy" as I get older.
Eh-heh. ^^;; That icon's so old, I should probably dump it.
Remember the big
LJ Strikethrough Kerfuffle? The one before Pondy got banned - where Warriors For Innocence reported a bunch of fandom journals for supposed pedophilia and
pornish_pixies got purged along with a bunch of other journals and comms and everyone flooded LJ's headquarters with outraged ranting and maxed out the lj-news post comment sections 3-4 times over? Yeah.
LJ went into a big Adult Content freakout after that - one of the things they used was searching interests. People who listed things like "Lolita" and such got banned from LJ for being pro-pedophilia. I made that icon to point out the ridiculousness of that logic.
Ah, yes. The Marie Antoinette icon. When the trailer came out, I had to icon that shot where she's lying there with nothing but stockings on and a fan to cover her chest. It was hot, massive-ladyboner-inducing, decadent, etc. I chose
sybarite for the word because that's what Marie Antoinette was.