How much does it say about me that I'm addicted to a game where the objective is to wipe out the human race via biological warfare??? ^^;; *tries not to think about it*
I've been playing that game all week. XD;; My personal record is wiping out everyone except Madagascar with my 'zombies' disease. I gave people insanity and necrosis and other things like that and it was AWESOME.
I've gotten as far as wiping out most of the 3rd world and some of the semi-developed places, and started out in Madagascar once and went NOWHERE. Friggin' paranoid dipwads. OH NOEZ SOMEONE SNEEZED IN CANADA! CLOSE THE BORDERS!
Ah, for Madagascar as a starting point, you sorta have to lay low for a long time and infect everyone there, because they only have ships. Boost up your resistance and infectability and try to be as low on the notice scale as you can. Once you infect a country with planes, then things speed up.
I would give anything to start in Madagascar. FUCKING MADAGASCAR. Seriously. First time playing all the way through and third try, I killed everyone but for Cuba and Madagascar.
Actually, I should likely be disturbed how easily I can strategize the deaths of billions. Just imagine if I do go to college for bioengineering...
Hee! Seriously - what does it say about us that we take such glee in gaming-genocide? lol
This is a game I can SO see Dr. House enjoying for the first few plays, then complaining about it being too easy after he's massacred the world PLUS Madagascar EVERY FRIGGIN' TIME.
I strangely feel insulted. Don't hurt my poor ego, it bites back. Honestly, I'm beginning to think it depends on heat and moisture resistance. The saddest part is I keep reloading to test theories rather that strategize the entire game first.
Is it wrong I like naming the diseases primarily after people I know? And I have a craving for popcorn when I play...
I actually do know one person who destroyed the entire race. Jerk. And I did get Madagascar once. When I was first goofing off so I'm not sure what I did. For all I know it started there. xD
Also, I present this, stolen from a Gaian profile:
Ugh, someone call Tyler Durden to inform her she is NOT special. She is not a beautiful or unique snowflake. She's the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
*shakes fist*
Actually, I should likely be disturbed how easily I can strategize the deaths of billions. Just imagine if I do go to college for bioengineering...
BTW you're welcome. Enjoy the addiction!
This is a game I can SO see Dr. House enjoying for the first few plays, then complaining about it being too easy after he's massacred the world PLUS Madagascar EVERY FRIGGIN' TIME.
Come to think of it, that little line I tacked on is rather catching as a phrase for the game. "Are you going to kill us all?"
He would. Bastard. Actually, he would SAY he got Madagascar, but never actually manage to do so.
Dude - as brilliant as House is? I think he'd get it. Remember - his specialty is infectious disease and nephrology. lol
Is it wrong I like naming the diseases primarily after people I know? And I have a craving for popcorn when I play...
I keep naming my viruses Paris Hilton & Bella Swan. XD
Also, I present this, stolen from a Gaian profile:
( ... )
Did you hear about how friggin' BATSHIT Twilight fans got at ComicCon today? Oyyy..>_@;;
Nope. News isn't my thing.
Read about it here - it really is something to behold. *_* Fans were kicking JOURNALISTS out of their seats!
The guy who plays Edward said it was like "the sound you hear at the gates of Hell." LITERALLY. WORD FOR WORD.
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