Eric Kripke May Be Doing Sandman For TV. Yes,
THAT Sandman.
On the one hand, OMFG YES. On the other? I doubt any network will give it the budget it needs, and allow it to show everything featured in the comics. Let's face it - a Sandman that's not dark as all get-out is a Sandman that's not worth watching. It's not exactly something you tame
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And like. Stardust, I felt, in either of its non-movie forms, was a very clever deconstruction of the archetypical romantic plot and how utterly terrible and unfair it is to the women involved--if one goes through the book or the graphic novel actively looking for it, nearly all of the men act according to archetypes while the majority of the women actually act like they're trying to make the best of what they're given to work with, yet still get a raw deal out of it. And then they made a movie, which not only disempowered most of the female characters but was also built around an entirely surface reading of the thing, and got rid of pretty much all of the embedded feminist critique both in the overarching plot and in the little details of how the characters interacted with one another. And I'm like. Oh up yours, Hollywood. But Hollywood is apparently uncomfortable with its product making its audience uncomfortable, so. What can you do?
Anyway, I'm just afraid Kripke's going to do something like that. Particularly if he tries to tackle A Game of You, which was full of so-called women's issues.
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