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siduri January 30 2016, 14:10:53 UTC
Name, Age: Siduri, age 56
Current Location: southern New England
Hometown: Cape Cod
Gender identity & Orientation: straight
Religious/Spiritual Identity:Pagan/witch
Political Identity: moderate in all things
Significant other, kids?: widowed, 2 adult children
Job: Rare Book Library
Major in college, if applicable: Humanities/Medieval Studies

What are you passionate about?: Books, crafting, writing
What are you interested in?: plants, history, folklore
What are your hobbies?: some TV/movies (MCU, fantasy, mysteries), reading, Hanging out with my Beast Herd

How do you use LJ?: As a journal, a place for social interaction, making friends.
Do you comment?: I do fairly often. I read all posts even if I don't comment
What kind of LJ friends are you looking for?: Just people who want to be friends!
Returnees -- How long have you been away?: n/a
Returnees -- What have you missed about LJ?: n/a

Anything else you'd like to mention?: I maintain a drama free zone in my LJ. I consider it a privilege to be on someone's FList and and a privilege to have an FList. I do write about books I am reading, movies I have seen, tv programs and all spoilers go behind a cut. Post photos of my Beasts, talk about my witchy stuff but nothing scary.


coconuthead January 30 2016, 21:06:05 UTC
Rare book library? Medieval studies? May I friend you so I can learn more?


siduri January 31 2016, 00:54:27 UTC
Of course! I have added you. Thanks!


poniesandphotos January 31 2016, 02:05:44 UTC
I like beasts! and books! I promise not to cause drama! Friends?


siduri January 31 2016, 02:09:03 UTC
Friends! Thank you!


opakele January 31 2016, 03:14:06 UTC
Me? Fiber art and always curious.

May I add you?


siduri January 31 2016, 03:22:00 UTC
Oh yes, please! I have added you. Thanks!


ancarett January 31 2016, 03:48:54 UTC
We appear to have much in common. I'm a premodern historian and pet person. You're a medievalist rare book librarian & you have a pittie? Ours passed away in 2013 but is fondly remembered. Many fandoms in common, too. Adding you as an LJ friend if you're agreeable.


siduri January 31 2016, 13:32:43 UTC
Not a librarian, but I have been in the place since the Middle Ages, LOL, so almost as good.

My icon is not a Pittie, it is Marey, my Mandrake Plush. BUT YES-we have a pittie, a Blue Nose!

Added! Thanks!


sallymn January 31 2016, 09:01:05 UTC
I'd like to be friends, would you like to check my profile and be friends too?


siduri January 31 2016, 13:31:14 UTC
Of course! Fun! Thank you!


suzanna_o January 31 2016, 09:46:09 UTC
I have added you! I love books, history, and interesting people. :)


siduri January 31 2016, 13:30:52 UTC
Added back! Thank you!


verdande_mi January 31 2016, 12:30:00 UTC
Hello, okay if I friend? You sound interesting and we share some interests. I write about my reading and TV-watching too. My journal is drama free too - an important things for me!


siduri January 31 2016, 13:30:32 UTC
Oh fun! Added! Thanks!


mspeacockwi January 31 2016, 12:43:46 UTC

Care to be friends?  :)


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