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mimda January 30 2016, 13:37:19 UTC

Name, Age: Jammie ; 28
Current Location: New Jersey
Hometown: New Jersey
Gender identity & Orientation: female
Religious/Spiritual Identity: none really, and don't have any issues with those that do.
Political Identity:
Significant other, kids?: boyfriend of 8 years, and 5 year old son :)
Job: Office manager for small business
Major in college, if applicable: Sociology / Psychology

What are you passionate about?: my family, reading, coffee!,
What are you interested in?: hockey, movies, elephants, tattoos, Peanuts,
What are your hobbies?: mostly spending time with my family and reading... I haven't had time for much of anything else in quite a while.

How do you use LJ?: I pretty much use LJ as a place to talk about my life and share pictures, as well as connect with friends. My son was diagnosed with leukemia in August 2014, so that comes up a lot as he is still in treatment.
Do you comment?: yes, but only when I have something to say... you won't always hear from me though- but I am always reading!
... )


ragnarok_08 January 30 2016, 18:09:47 UTC
You sound like a strong and amazing person - want to be friends?


mimda January 30 2016, 19:04:28 UTC
sure! I've added you :)


ragnarok_08 January 30 2016, 20:41:32 UTC
Fantastic :DD


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mimda February 1 2016, 14:24:49 UTC
I'd love to give it a try! Added you! :)

& It's not at all- I really appreciate that!


velvetechos January 31 2016, 15:19:51 UTC
Mind if I add you? Similar aged child, and passionate about coffee too ;)


mimda February 1 2016, 14:25:02 UTC
not at all! added you :)


aravishermione February 1 2016, 00:26:20 UTC
You sound like a strong and wonderful person and I'd love to be friends, if you are so willing? My mom had leukemia, as well as a child who was dear to me, and I'm always willing to be support.


mimda February 1 2016, 14:26:01 UTC
Of course! I've added you! <3

I hope your mom & the child you knew are doing well... it's a horrible disease.


aravishermione February 1 2016, 14:58:41 UTC
Unfortunately the child had a very rare strain that even chemo couldn't fix, and that was about 20 years ago so they didn't have as much info as they do now. My family doctor said that even in the past couple years they have developed meds that would've helped my mom too. Things are much more promising these days! ♥


mimda February 1 2016, 15:36:12 UTC
I'm very sorry to hear that.

They definitely have made many many strides in the last few years. The survival rates are pretty high now- for my son's it was 85%, but there is still tons of room for improvement. We've seen our fair share of children we met along the way that chemo couldn't help either.


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mimda February 4 2016, 14:55:27 UTC
sure! I've added you :)


theviolet_sings February 3 2016, 02:23:59 UTC
Hi! Do you mind if I add you? We seem to have similar interests.


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