I did this a couple years ago and was super suprised when I got almost 3 THOUSAND replies. @_@. I have some friends who want to come back to LJ but need more friends, so I figured i'd do it again and see if we can at least get them some more LJ friends, if not others, too!
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Name, Age: Sara, 36
Current Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Hometown: Small town in western PA Called Kittanning. If you've ever seen The Mothman Prophecies or My Bloody Valentine 3D, you've seen my hometown. Hahaha.
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Religious/Spiritual Identity: Atheist
Political Identity: Super liberal
Significant other, kids?: I live with my boyfriend, Dan. We've been dating for about 7.5 years, living together for about 6.5. We went through a rough patch in the fall and all but broke up (his choice), but we decided to stay together and work on our relationship. We did a few sessions of couples counseling and are doing much better now. We have no kids and don't want them. We are planning to adopt a dog at the end of this month, though!
Job: Manager of a branch library in a four branch system. I do management stuff, but also still do front-facing customer service.
Major in college, if applicable: Majored in English, then went to get my Masters in Library and Information Science.
What are you passionate about?: Social justice issues, the environment, trying new things/visiting new places, my bed (haha).
What are you interested in?: Right now, I am obsessing over getting a dog, so I'm looking up all kinds of product reviews and stalking the animal shelter for cute doggos. I'm also into seeing live music, mostly pop-punk/emo bands of the early 2000s because even though I may get older, my music tastes stay the same. Haha.
What are your hobbies?: Reading (I read 136 books in 2019), trying different beers/visiting breweries, sitting on patios drinking said beers, traveling, watching bad horror movies, going to see bands, hiking, and coloring occasionally.
How do you use LJ?: Mostly accounts of my days if I'm up to something interesting, my thoughts and feels. All that good stuff. I tend to include photos in my entries because I like seeing photos in others' entries. If I'm posting a lot of photos, I usually put them behind a cut or break them up behind multiple cuts. When we get a dog, I can promise you there will be TONS of doggo photos for your enjoyment.
Do you comment?: Yes, when I feel like I have something to say! Sometimes I'm bad at commenting if I pop in and read on my phone, so I need to get better about that.
What kind of LJ friends are you looking for?: I'm open to any types of friends, really! I like friends who are engaged and interactive. LJ has brought a lot of great people into my life, some of whom I've met, and others who have been long time internet friends, so I really like to form connections with people. I'm not into any of the popular fandoms, so if that's all you post about, I don't think we'd make great friends.
Returnees -- How long have you been away?:
Returnees -- What have you missed about LJ?:
Anything else you'd like to mention?: I never really left LJ, though I did take a break when I made the questionable decision of selling a popular MLM clothing line with a friend for almost two years before I quit at the end of 2018. I purchased a permanent account back in the day, so I'm not going anywhere as long as LJ still exists.
I know you from that MLM company. :) Would you like to be friends here?
I'm impressed by all the books you read last year! I'm hoping to hit 60 in 2020, which will be a stretch for me. :) I also love going to shows and like you, my musical taste doesn't ever seem to change even as I age. Hehehe.
I read constantly. I got a Kindle about six months ago, so I even read while I brush my teeth. Haha
No but seriously, I would love to get to know you if you're down :)
My blurb is here: https://lavenderfieldss.livejournal.com/103546.html?replyto=1391226
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