Jun 12, 2004 21:07
it's been a while since i've taken one of these... xP
+ 001. name : super kaydie ;D
+ 002. sex : i'm just like an earthworm. *lmfao* to all y'all that dun pay attention in biology... it means to be hermaphroditic. hah. yessirs, i kno it's amazing but imma gurl. pwahahs >=)
+ 003. birthday : jan 28
+ 004. height : a very sad sad 5'1"
+ 004. status : single
+ 005. siblings : one annoying thing that i have to call a brother
+ 006. eye color : brown
+ 007. hair color : HAHA. i had black hair!!! O.O!! but now the darn chlorine changed it to dead hay blond hair. poo.
+ 008. tattoos : only if it says "i own tom felton"
+ 009. piercings : my ears?
+ 010. smoked and drink before : heckers no!
+ 011. horoscope : AQUArius (me and water were made for each other)
+ 012. writing hand : righterinO
+ guys..
+ 013. first thing u notice 4rm a guy : show those BOOtiful pearly whites ^_<
+ 014. wuh i look fo in a guy : intelligence and first impressions always impress me
+ 015. wuh i dont look for in a guy : if you ever ever ever wear a chinatown white t shirt with frayed "gansta" jeans, i swear don't even talk to me. wannabe.
+ 016. looks or personality: i'm weak. both. O=]
+ 017. how many guys u got with : 2
+ 018. last person u slow danced with : haha, ray man ! mah sister!! xD
+ 019. worst thing to say : for him to say? uMm... i don't like reading. O.O
+ 020. cried over a guy : never hope to again
+ 021. what goes on first bra or underwear: undies ;] just for YOUR information ;D haha!
+ 022. which shoe goes on first: each day is a suprise. wow, i'm so wild. xD
+ 023. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: HAHA lmfao!
+ 024. what jewelry do you wear 24/7: i used to wear my gold dragon necklace/buddha necklace, but i switch around now.
+ 025. whats sexiest on a guy: imma sucker for polo shirts ;D
+ 026. whats sexiest on a gurl: you tell me haha
+ 027. would you rather be on time and lookin ok or late and look great: dude. i'm always late either way.
+ whose..
+ 028. loudest : oh!O and joyce ;D
+ 029. funniest : sexy barb!! <33
+ 030. smart : everybody 'cept me xD haha
+ 031. stupidest : i'm sorry. but that goes to me. a question on a test says, name this time of process and the answer is protein synthesis. i think that, and the final answer i write out is photosynthesis. oh yah, i'm smart.
+ 032. tallest : friken everybody except for me. psha.
+ 033. shortest : lani ;D haha JMS
+ 034. nicest : we all be nice =)
+ 035. sweetest : barbara!! and the square! and the owers! okay so everybody.
+ 036. honest : me!! *nose grows longer* haha, i hope y'all out there ;D
+ have you ever ..
+ 037. been rude or mean to sumwun : sorry dudes. ><
+ 038. lied : who hasn't?
+ 039. fought with parents : no shiznets.
+ 040. hugged sumwun : course =) i'm hug deprived. hug me. lmfao.
+ 041. been kissed : yea
+ 042. been in love : nope. that word is thrown around too much. it's lost its meaning.
+ 043. drank alcolhol : HECK NO. and ALCOHOL i spelled wrong. lol.
+ 044. fallen fo yo vest friend : nope
+ 045. been rejected : never asked
+ 046. rejected sumwun : =(
+ 047. been cheated on: not that i kno of.
+ 048. sneaked out: heck no! where would i go? the darn library is closed!!!
+ 049. cheated on a test: HECKERS NO. but does chinese school count? xD
+ 050. hit a boy: HAH. only cuz they hit me first. neenerneeners.
+ 051. hit a girl: pwhaha >=)
wowsers. this has been productive. i'm bored. i broke two out of the three computers in the house. i can't install the program for the pictures so that means i can't upload them yet. i want boba. stupid playstation won't work. reading will only get me so far. ah poo.
haha, i made a xanga ;] but just to comment on others xanguRrs ;D check me out (i kno that you already do ;D haha!) at superkaydie x] well duh.
- lalalalers