
Oct 14, 2006 13:30

i am running, i am scared, i know not of what or whom, but i stand quietly by burning with confusion and fury. demanding to be seen, yet still ignored. more and more the truth is seen through the rosemary glasses of red wine. the bitter first taste of beer lingers until the stinch of what is not quite right becons my attention. the basis for what ships are based upon aren't seen until the ship is sailed. i do understand now the why. I understand that this particular ship was docked until such repairs were completed. now the dock is no longer needed. Thank you for the years that we were able to lean on one another. or i you as the case the dock will always stand alone, but never shall the ship without the weight of an anchor. for they are to each other what you have been to me. and like the dock that is constantly damaged by a rocking ship, i feel you sinking from me. a little more each day, i know that one day you will be gone, nor can i blame you. A great being can only be sliced so much before a painful gash refuses to heal and scar.
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