Sep 05, 2004 02:04
I just had my second gig with the Hubkaps. It was great. The first gig I was a little nervous but this gig was just awesome. I was totally comfortable with everything. We did a kickass show and they loved us. Lol. It's an awesome feeling performing in front of strangers who think your band sounds good. Totally awesome. We were supposed to get paid for this gig but not enough people came before we performed, so the bar owners were being assholes. Ah well. Next Saturday is a paying gig, and at a place we've played at. $50 bitch. I'm going to put that money into buying an effects pedal for my guitar. We're playing at Butler's Tavern from 3 to 8:00pm. BannedX is opening for us.
The party Nicole and I planned was kickass and people loved it. Strobe and black lights, fog machine, etc. It rAwKeD. We may plan a Halloween party.
Aaron's getting a wah pedal! We can jam more.
School starts soon but I don't really care. I'm too busy to care about stupid people at GHS. I'll just (try to) stick to my work and band. Out first football game is on the 10th, the day before my gig at Butler's. It should be good. I'll get more stupid blisters from marching though. Oh well. XD
Been feeling kinda lonely lately but that's the way it is. I try not to think about it too much. Other than that though everything's great. Fricken aWeSoMe bitch. XD