So, this has been going around lately since the friending post, and I figured I might as well join in the fun.
Comment with "Come at me, bro"
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
5 questions from
1. What TV show sucks you in more than any other?
That would be Glee, my beloved, favorite, show (really, it's the only one I ever watch.)
2. If you were president/king/ruler of a country, what three laws would you instate first?
That is a really, really fabulous question, and I know my answers will be crap, and it's a really good thing that I'm NOT a president/king/ruler. But. Here goes...
1- I'm gonna lump this all together as one big law, but they'd be laws which protect children. You know, no rape, no murder, if you're a horrible parent, you don't get to keep your kids. Mainly because that's my hugest gripe at work right now, and I get riled up really, really easily about it. You hurt a baby, or I know you aren't gonna take care of it, I get mad.
2- Freedom of speech and religion and expression and the press (can I lump those into one law as well?)
3- Ummmm ... I'm tired and I can't think of a third one. Rape and murder and incest and all those other heinous things immediately land you in jail?
I'm too tired to give very good answers...
3. If you could do anything in the world (money/pay not a factor), what would you do for a living?
Honestly, probably what I'm doing right now. Which is pretty cool. Or own a card-making business.
Or ....... I'd want to be a professional fangirl. Can that be a career?
4. What's one place (near you or a vacation-type place) where you feel the most comfortable/safe?
I really, really love my bedroom, but only when it's clean. My bed is the comfiest thing ever. As for places not in my house ... my parents' house has always felt safe, and I have really fond associations of a nearby Panera bread where I used to study all the time, and where my best friend and I frequently ate together.
5. If you could play any character in a movie/show, who would it be? :)
This is also an interesting question ... I always wanted to be Ariel from the Little Mermaid when I was little. I also think it would be fun to play Giselle from Enchanted. Can you tell I like Disney? (I'm also a redhead.)