May 13, 2006 15:35
Ever since I was a freshman I wanted section leader. I knew I wasn't going to get it..but it still broke my heart.
I gave up softball for color guard. My passion for 11 years. I gave it all up for color guard. And now I have no say so for my last year. I'm going to be a senior...and I'm not going to be a section leader. I practice everyday, I have worked every summer since after my freshman year for L...I worked all the MPA workshops..EVERY SHIFT. I just don't think it's fair. Now I have to answer to two younger captains? No. I refuse. If there was one senior captain I would be okay...not 2.
I'm sorry Ana & Felicia. I'm going to say exactly how I feel. I don't want to offend you, but I won't repress my feelings.
I will not listen to a younger member on my equipment I refuse. I won't deny this. Tell me where a count is. fine. Tell me what the work is...fine. Tell me how to hold my equipement, tell me I'm not spinning right, I will not accept.
I also will not accept the, "I'm right cause I'm captain" bullshit. You do this, I'm going to LaCognata. point blank. I do not and will not have another year like I had this year. It is my senior year.
I cannot smile. I will not smile. I will never be a guard captain...that hit me hard. But as long as these underclassman understand that 5 seniors are quitting and that I, personally, will not be told how to spin then fine.
Guard is going to be hell. I want to quit. I would really like to march sax. I refuse to march clarinet.
Too many other things on my mind are bothering me. It's ok though, I'm really ugly and all my clothes are ugly..right? hah! k thanks.
good day.
P.S - Thanks Val, Jess, Kaity, & Mar