but i've always been in love with him...i knew when our met each others gaze, that we would somehow be connected forever. call it intution, call it what you want...but i had that feeling that we were meant to be. i cannot shake him, or get away from him. it's disgusting. and he knows, he fucking knows what he does to me. that's what kills me the most. how could it be, the one thing i love, is ultimately the one thing i hate. i loathe him at the same time i love him. i wish knew if anything serious would become of us...he melts my heart to stone. a tolerable pain. an unrequited love? i want to stop.this maddness. we all know that he is something i will never have, but this longing for him hurts. my body aches. and i always wonder..is it the chase? every guy i somehow wanted, i somehow get minus him. he does not fall for my tricks, he also doesn't care. and what i want is what i usually don't need...
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