Jun 03, 2007 17:53
My trainer and I meet one day a week at 6 AM. over the last couple of weeks, we have been really concentrating on strength in the hopes that I will be strong enough to do a pull up. This has been a big challenge for me and while I feel I am getting stronger, the pull up eludes me.
My trainer combines lots of exercises some to build explosion, some to build strength, etc, etc. but ultimately it's a very tough workout and I am ecstatic that I can remain AWAKE for the remainder of the day at work.
So, our workout starts like this:
30 sec Riser Bursts (on a step riser I am supposed to JUMP up into the air, come back down on the alternate leg) - this is my warm up. He always says, Ok Rox, FLY.
Negatives on the pullup bar - sometimes with bands around my knees. Jump up and hold and then slowly release for 4 seconds. Uh huh. The goal is to then repeat. lol. This last workout, I can at least KIND of hold now. but I can't get back up there. In time. I'm really concentrating on using my back muscles to help me, but I just can't feel it transfer yet. My arms are STILL so sore today it hurts to extend them.
Full Military Pushups. This is such a delight too. He puts a rolled up hand towel on the floor and says, ok. Put your chest all the way down on this towel and then fire back up. I am combining these with the other exercises, so ultimately I have THREE sets of all of the above. I manage to get 10 reps. I'm thrilled. 3 sets of 10. yay me!
Accumulating lunges. This one sucks. But it's helpful. So, it's like walking lunges... but you accumulate the number of lunges. So you step lunge 1, Step lunge with the other leg - 1... then, step with the other leg 1, 2 lunge dips... then the alternate leg, 1, 2, lunge dips until you get to six reps per leg. My legs are on FIRE when it's done. AND the best part? I get to do this while my arms are extended upward with 5 lb weights each hand.
Side Step Power bursts. Done with a machine where the machine arms can be raised or lowered. I don't know what this machine is called. but I have a certain amount of weight, then I get to pull out the handle and weight and then step / lunge to the side and power back to upright. This one is hard. He really wants me to squat all the way down and then fire back up with the bent leg. It kills and I really can barely walk. My ass is still sore after 3 days now. Not like a little sore. Like "holy moly I don't know if I can get myself down to the toilet" sore. I feel like I need handicapped railings LOL.
Lat Pulls. Close grip... and then he made it really heavy only asking me to get out 8 reps per set. I felt good that I could manage it at 90 lbs. It was hard, but I did it.
Ab work... all his ab work hurts. Usually done with medicine balls.
But the best part is that he does do an assisted stretch with me before he lets me go for the day...
In the middle of my workout on Friday, I see one of my colleagues who is watching me do one of these torture techniques. When I pass him, we acknowledge each other and he says "take it easy" and goes on. As if you would when you're just casually chatting with someone. My trainer - who is SWEET As pie says "do you know him?" When I say that I do he says, "don't listen to him, you're not allowed to take it easy yet.... stay aggressive and knock these out - don't listen!" LOL. I just had to laugh.
Now I just need to control my food. If I could do that, I would be ripped!!!