March Begins Like a Lamb.......

Mar 01, 2010 17:16

Been missing time to write on my LJ.
Friday we had so much snow I took a
Snow Day which was wonderful. The
snow was so magickal to watch from
my home window.

This weekend was cozy and spent some
time relaxing, working on my spiritual
priestess studies, spending some time
with my gf, and baking gluten free ricotta
chocolate muffins.

I also love this movie Bright Star on
Netflix on John Keats the poet and his
romance with his muse. Very romantic.
Love his poetry and ordered a book of
complete poems and letters based on
the film today.

Today first day of March and is
like a lovely lamb and feels like
a sunny spring day. Love March
for Spring Equinox, Ostara and
St Patricks Day as well as Woman's
History Month!

Happy March Blessings!
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