Oct 02, 2005 07:04
Yeah I havn't went to work for the past month or so. Its great. Being an E-5 and getting out of the army you can take care of so much shit...bypass so much bullshit and do what you need to do to set yourself up for the next thing. I'm going to miss going in the gate every morning and hearing "Good morning Sgt. have a good day." lol. whatever. like i'm someone important or something lol. I don't know, sometimes I wonder If I had stayed in I would be getting promoted again soon to E-6....then what....but theres better things out there though. The other day I went into the dentist to see about my wisdom teeth and the doc thought I was 25, 26. lol. I'm like no sir, I'm 22. Then he said he seen the stripes on my collar and asked me how I got promoted so quickly. I just said thats the infantry and with what we do we gain experience and rank a hell of a lot quicker than other jobs... I don't see the big deal...being a Sgt at 20 or 21 years old, my parents, both Marines seem to think thats crazy. Like I said thats the infantry. You tend to grow up real fast in that field. Especially with what has been going on, for those of us who went over before the war started... i can see why they promote us so quickly. We know everything there is to know, and we teach everyone else who hasn't been.. everything they need to know. Not to mention its the 82nd Airborne. I talk bad about this unit a lot, mostly because of the stupid people you have to work with. Stupid privates..sometimes its higher ranks but I won't go there. And that limits the capabilities of the unit. I have to say this is one of the most elite units that exists in the world. You may work with stupid people..or people that have limited views..but they are good at what they do. We will do what we have to do to get the job done.
I've worked with the Seals, SF, Rangers, others..... seals honestly don't impress me much. They are elite & tough as hell sure...just watch the movies lol...but the way they operate just doesn't impress me. I can't really blame them on the way they operate though lol. They have a "fuck it" attitude where we can't do that. In one situation my platoon inserted a seal team in one specific area in Mosul, and when we come across the target house it had a lock on the door. Now we breach it with a shotgun or a breach tool. The seals breached it with a pound of C4...lol. That explosion ended up causing the Kurdish guys *good guys mind you* across the street shooting at our trucks...till we were able to show them it was us. God..... that shit sucks.. It was supposed to be quiet lol. anyway later that morning we came into contact with the shitheads in Mosul. The Seals were on top of the roof they went into and we were on the street with the hummv's. Seals were sniping people on the roofs and we were tearing the shit of the mosque that was across from us. The seals just sat on the roof the entire time as Rpgs, small arms, were hitting that building and our hummv's. Thats also where McMackin got shot, vest saved his ass though, he got right back up and started shooting! After which we went down to the mosque and 30 other houses and cleared them out. No bad guys were there at that time. Later we went back and picked up the seals. They said they sniped 5 or 6 people on the roofs we searched.....funny we didn't see any dead bodies...blood...weapons...shell casings..... what the fuck ever. All the shooters were down on the ground as told by eye witnesses in the houses. And by the blood and shell casings on the street. yeah..We killed atleast 2 of them as told by people in the homes, they drug their buddies to cars and took off. Fuckers need to learn how to shoot. On second thought they don't. They were close enough for me.
SF (Green Berets) they are real professionals. They train hundreds of local Iraqi's AND go out damn near everynight and look for Al Zarqawi...whatever the fuck his name is. He was supposed to be in Mosul during that time. They take care of whatever that needs to be taken care of. We have worked with them countless times both the 1st and 2nd times over there. We lived less than a mile away from a SF team that smoked 3 guys in the field right infront of our compound while at the oil refinery the 1st time.
I just hope our dumbass commander doesn't decide to go to Iran, Pakistan, etc....cause we can't handle it. Yeah yeah....were the most powerfull country in the world blah blah blah as civies say....no... We have the best Airforce assests in the world. AND army wise...we have the 3 ranger battalions...the 82nd Airborne..101st.. and various SF units and Delta. other than that we are fucked. we are not as powerfull as you think. look what is going on over there right now...we are loosing because those soldiers over ther are more worried about saving their asses so they just RUN when bullets start to fly, don't belive me? ask the 25th ID guys from Hawaii that we worked with in Mosul who were to scared to get out of their APC's to help us clear out the buildings we were getting shot at from. They actually refused to help us and get out of their armored trucks.... you belive that shit? fucking a..... to many fucked up units and people in the military who are more concered with sending their soldiers to jail for shooting the enemy than anything else. Thats our real military. Not very nice to hear it is it? Thats reality, thats politics. Some people play the game, some people don't. Those who don't play games get shit done, they do what they have to and survive by themselves out there in the towns and somewhere along the course they find that they are disliked by mostly everyone cause of what they do. Or more likely you never ever hear anything of that unit or anything good that goes on over there. Those who play the game get to see the fucking models and actors and get autographs...cause they are "fighting the war on terror"...whoopie doo!.. and conviently their at Baghdad airport....those people don't even know how to fucking load a rifle. Let alone ever have to consider pointing it at someone. It puts a nice picture in the papers though. Like when some pogues took reporters on a tour through Baghdad on a bus...they had their rifles and were acting so serious, give me a fucking break. I'd like to those reporters to our sector out in town. They would shit their fucking pants. 90% of the people there are just living their lives. You just happen to be walking by and interact with them. Sometimes people across the street want to shoot at you...some kid who got a new AK47 for his birthday and wants to try it out.. or someone who really hates you....whatever. That shit just happens over there, no big deal. Sometimes 30 some kids want to throw rocks at you when you go into a school so you can see how shits going. Thats life. gotta laugh...untill you get hit lol. yeah..
No i'm not mad. Its just funny how shit works. It will be really funny in another 10 years or so, when everyone with cabable skills will want to work for other "security firms" out there, making so much more and having to deal with no bullshit. Its like that now. War is very profitable. Why stay in the army making less that 20g's a year...when you can make 500 dollars a day? Tell me? Doesn't make sense does it. Stay in college. Don't be stupid and join the military because of what you see on the news/tv. Your in for a big fucking surprise. On the other hand, you will learn things you could never trade in for anything in the world.