Finland's searching for elves in my house

Oct 13, 2009 18:24

You probably don't know what happened to me a few days ago!

I was taking my usual nap in my bed after lunch (had a great lunch full of spaghetti btw :D ) when suddenly an kinda angry Finland walked in on me and woke me up. Wondering HOW he was able to wake me up?
well, I suppose anyone would wake up when another man starts pulling off from you the sleeves and also your clothes all of a sudden! (this time I had clothes on! Unbelievable ne? that's why it's getting quite cold in here actually)
You sure cannot imagine how scared I was! For god's sake, for a moment I thought Finland has turned to be a pedo just like big brother France is D': It seemed as Tino was actually looking for something ON (or INTO) me.....
Before he could put his hands in unexplored lands I somehow managed to ask him what the HELL he was doing, the answer I got was totally non-sense:

"My people said to search for Santa's elves in Veneziano!... It's your name right???
Now, HAND ME OVER THOSE ELVES! Christmas is getting near and we still have preparations to do"

Elves? How can someone hide ELVES in his body?? =A=

I tried to calm Tino down a bit saying I had no elves on me at all... Then I had one of those cristalyzing moment: I remember some of my people telling me they opened a school for Christmas Elves in Venice.






... Tino must have been so stressed when they told him where the school was that he misunderstod the place =__= poor Finland, he was so sorry he caused me that much trouble...

Well, it could've gone worse: if it was France instead of Tino I wouldn't probably be here writing this post O_O"


((OOC: This stupid little story was inspired by a REAL news. Near Venice there IS a xmas elves' school. Take a look: ))

almost got raped, taking a nap

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