in which there is much joy and much aggravation

May 11, 2007 20:21

Went to work today, was glad to go, even if i did start a couple days early. the people i work with are nice people. hope it stays that way ^^ my boss' boss came in and OMG!!! looking at her in the eyes is like poking a blind bull with a hot poker...>< for the most part everything was good, public however is RUDE! where the HELL was your momma while you were young?! here, let me slap the piss out of you for her! bwar. it was hot and muggy though, i can understand being a bit cranky. missed braddie and nickoli terribly, but was rewarded with much lovins and the insistance to be on my lap. I'm sure that he aggrivated the piss out of jess (my parents and babysitter coped out at the last second). Oh well though. what is, is.
hope everyone is doing well, Haven't had the chance to write more on my current story--it helps to ease the stress. I have new character voices popping around in my head, yay for the Ponce! and modesto and fernando! the demon brothers of absolute sin! they always lighten my mood....
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