Jan 26, 2022 18:41
It's been such a long time since I've been on this site. It's cool that you can link your journals or post from another journal when you click the post button. I still have my old RP one on here, though I haven't played that particular character in over a year. Sometimes I really miss him, other times I have severe anxiety even thinking about playing him again.
I keep thinking about writing. Stumbling onto LJ means stumbling onto a lot of old RP stuff that made me happy. It means thinking about characters that are long gone. I shared a drabble from my old mage character with new friends last night, and they all really liked it. It made me feel good about my writing for the first time in a while and it made me want to write more.
I've always kind of craved some level of outside validation. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it's nice to just be told you are loved or appreciated or valued. The friend group I've made in Vancouver is just so free and giving with their affection, I haven't really had in a while. It always unsolicited and hits me like a ton of bricks and I'm never really sure what I should do with it. Share it, I suppose. Treasure it. Hold it for those moments when you need it the most. It's hard to think terribly about yourself when no one will even give you a chance to.
There goes my brain, running away from me again and just spouting a ton of words onto the "paper".
I'm not really sure where to go with this anymore. I want to write, so I need to just keep writing. I need to find a muse and let life breath into it. The problem is finding the muse again. I'll do it, it's just going to take some time.