[There's quite a bit to see here. The Dreamberry appears to have been carelessly discarded and tripped to record the rather large
dragon flying overhead. A shadow casts over the screen before it flies out of view entirely. The recording continues, blank for a few minutes before an explosion echoes, sending the Dreamberry away a few feet with some charred debris and clouds of smoke.
Sounds continue to plague the speakers, metal grating against metal as the behemoth's wings beat up and down to keep him aloft. Again, the sound of fire bursting to life springs forth, though the image of what has caught fire cannot be seen...]
[OOC: Deathwing will not be answering anything left on this recording, but feel free to respond. Your character can likely see
what he's doing from very far away, due to his size. The previous link provides the thread where the confrontation is taking place. ♥]