(no subject)

Jan 18, 2006 10:45

I didn't see that one coming.

Blood everywhere. It was so disgusting. Did you see them drag his body down the stairs and across the common room? Soooooo much blood. Anyways though, Seamus is sooo not a cutter and he would never cut himself up over a girl. Maybe a drunken bet gone wrong, but not a girl. No offense Susan. I suspect fowl play in this. Maybe it was a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor or someone who secretly and desparetly loves Susan and he got so jealous he decided to attack Seamus.

Anywho, on a lighter note, my mum sent me a new bunny! I've been ever so sad since Pinky perished, and my mum finally decided that I could have a new one and keep it here at school. Her name is Cheeky. Parvati came up with the idea since really taken a liking to Parvati...and Parvati's shoes. I'm really sorry about that one pair-- those purple high heals! I'm so sorry Vati!

Anyways, when they brought Seamus down there was blood everywhere and Cheeky started to lick it and I was like "NO CHEEKY, NO!" I hope he's not seriously damaged because that was alot.
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