May 15, 2010 23:43

I just read this absolutely fabulous Dean/Sam story. It's on reincarnation and how no matter what, Dean is always Sam's. It's a must read. The story is gripping and will hold you enthralled from the get go.

Fic: Darkness on the Edge of Town
Link: http://epeeblade.livejournal.com/441690.html
Author: Epeeblade
Rating: NC-17 or adult for m/m sex and violence
Pairing:Sam/Dean, Sam/OMC
Category: slash, drama, au, future fic
Wordcount: +40,000
Warnings: wincest
Summary: Twenty years after Dean's death, Sam meets a young man who knows more than he should about Sam and the supernatural.

fanfiction, wincest, spn rec, sam/dean

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