Did you ever read a shakespeare play...and never understand a word it says...

Dec 05, 2008 00:19

Okay first of all do you think Taylor and I make a cute couple? I think our kids would be beautiful (his genes), tall (both of ours, I'm 6') and funny (my genes). Just a little randomness to start off the post.

So it's been a pretty busy few weeks for me. I've been stressing over getting my visa application through behind my holiday (it came last week, no I just have my interview on Monday down at the US embassy - and then I need my passport back before the 19th, because of my holiday! Ugh, it's just such a tight schedule!!) I bought myself a new laptop, which Im still figuring out how to use (it's a macbook...oh so pretty, I'm not a complete Apple girl, set with laptop, iphone and ipod!)

Twilight is out soon!!! Yay! Though I have spoilt myself by watching clips of it online and by clips I mean naughty clips I should not have seen!! It looks cheesy but oh so great! I know I'll probably end up comparing some of it to the books, though Im not one of those obsessed fans who will go through every detail. Seriously, you cannot enjoy a movie if you do that!! Its two completely different forms of media - they can never be the same.

I'm on holiday from the 19th December. Well here's my schedule.
Friday 19th December: Travel down to Heathrow, watch Twilight in Central London.
Saturday 20th December: Fly to New York
Sunday 21st December: 12 Night Cruise round the Southern Caribbean. (Thanks to the 'rents, I cant afford anything...so it's a good thing they're paying!!)

And then if all goes well, Sunday 18th January I';ll be flying out to Florida for six months working at Disney, attending University of Central Florida followed by three weeks of travelling. Suggestions of what states to hit up when I'm there are greatly appreciated.

Also going to see Britney in TAMPA in MARCH!! Wooooo!!!!

Oh well, let's get to the shows:

True Blood

I am a follower of the books, having read all three million of them (it feels like there is that many because its so hard to distinguish between some of the books) Sookie Stackhouse while supernaturally gifted is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but certainly the most enviable. She has a fair few men fighting over her southern belle's bod (Bill, Eric, Quinn etc), she has an active social and *cough* sex life. The books are thoroughly enjoyable...the TV show, well...it's good for the most part but has an incredibly bad habit of focusing too much time on the minor characters which is where my attention begins to drift. (It's a good thing Anna Paquin is my favourite x-men and the boys on this show are incredibly addictive!) Am I the only one completely not digging the new and improved Tara? Then again I wasn't really digging her relationship with Sam either, she was brazen, harsh and funny in the beginning. She took shit from no one but as time goes on and as the show progresses; she lost a little of her spark.
The final episode was very entertaining. (Though I already knew who the killer was) The only thing I wasn't too keen on was Bill recovering so quickly from his, um, sunburn. LOLz. According to the world of Charlaine Harris, being burned to the point of having charcoaled tasting flesh takes a few days to recover from (not to mention ALOT of blood) But other than that, tres interesting! (I cant wait to see more Eric!!)

Gossip Girl
It would appear that the second season of Gossip Girl is suffering from what's known as the Sophmore slump (I think thats right, anyways.) The first season was driven by drama with only the ridiculous plot line coming in at the end (Cue Serena's guilt over "killing a guy") The second season seemed promising in the promos and yet it's suffering, but why? The cat and mouse game between Chuck and Blair has been interesting and one of the better plot lines of the show this season but honestly throw us a bone once in a while!! Aside from the two of them; it's gotten a little too second season OC. Too much drama aka Jenny Humphrey (seriously, I liked her in the beginning but now it's like WTF?!), too much Serena and Aaron (sure he's cute but really?), too little Serena/Nate (they should explore this path more thoroughly. They based both season one and season two promos around these two and yet no scenes? PPPFT Josh!!) too much Jenny/Nate/Vanessa. Boy is cute but such a PLAYER! Not to mention Jenny is like 15, disgusting. (Yes I know they hooked up in the books but seeing it on screen, a big no no) and Vanessa in generally, ugh, bored now. Next please!
I really hope the show picks up after the hiatus and that they find some new interesting material that is the right combination between drama, angst and all that jazz.
Friday Night Lights
One of the only shows this season which has remained on target. Nothing else to report as I do not want to spoil those who are waiting until January.
Grey's Anatomy
Promising beginning and yet again falling flat on their faces. Bringing Denny back again? As much as I love papa Winchester...the dude is dead, leave him in peace and get some interesting storylines for Izzie that doesn't involve her cutting any LVAD wires or hooking up with her married best friend. Ugh. Too little Meredith/Derek. Love Lexie - hated her in the beginning but she's grown on me. Crisitina is a nag and boring, she needs to get her spark back.
Private Practice

The only medical based show which had kept my attention every week. The plots are always fresh, the characters are three dimensional, the overall show is the perfect mix of drama and humour. Was never a fan of Addisson in grey's but she's in a whole new league with her own show. Love it. Love her.

Sons of Anarchy

Hot damn son, white trailer trash is hot! Who knew? Jax is hot. Period.

Smallville and Supernatural

Both of these CW shows are bangin'. Smallville lost it's feet last year but this year with the loss of two characters and the intervention of the Green Arrow, the show has picked up its pace and is back on form. The chemistry between Clark and Lois is undeniable and their scenes this year have been the ones to watch. Clark and Lana, Lana who? Oh right, stupid ol' hag had to come back and ruin a perfectly good Clois moment! I mean really, let sleeping dogs lay...and that dog should have been put out of it's misery a long time ago. Clark is a grown man now, he needs a real woman.

Supernatural. I was anxious with the introduction of Gods and Angels and so forth. I'm not a religious person and yet every week Im on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next in the lives of our favourite brother team. The show is centering a little more around Dean this season I've noticed but it doesnt really matter because the boys are always together. Miss the old Ruby, the new ones a little ...mouthy? Just watch how her mouth moves when she talks and you'll see what I mean!!

smallville, fnl, gossip girl, sons of anarchy, supernatural, true blood, random, private practice

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