Dedicated to
misst89 for prompting me to post an entry.
Been a while since I updated, I of course blame the summer for this...or well the lack of one. I mean honestly how is one supposed to go out and tan when 1) she's working during the preferable tanning times and 2) there was barely any sun this whole summer. It's ridiculous and very British!!
I'm just finishing the week from hell - and I mean that literally. For the past seven nights my nanny's IRISH relatives have been staying at our house. And by george do they talk loud and swear far too much. I thought my family was all for the drama but seriously they just bitch and backstab one another. It's GREAT. Is it wrong to love hearing gossip?
Finally MY shows are coming back...woot woot! Gossip girl is back on form and dare I say, rauchier than ever? I'm looking forward to this season! The season opener started just the way I like it, a little bit of Serena/Nate and hella lot of Chuck/Blair. I mean honestly, no disrespect to the OC (Because I was a fan) but I'm liking this much more especially if it doesn't fall into the pitfal of "SOPHMORE SLUMP" as Heroes did. And with my shows coming back so does my art which took a three month hiatus practically (minus the Twilight stuff!)
Did anyone watch True Blood last night? I say last night because it aired for you guys who are states bound (Lucky sods!) I of course streamed it (and when I decide on which anti-virus software to have for my laptop I will download it, like the illegal moose I am) Anyhoos, I am a follower of the Sookie Stackhouse series...and it stayed so close to the books that I was shocked. I found my attention divided between the Sookie/Bill ship and Sookie/Sam. Gah! It's just like the books...and when a certain blonde haired male Viking-esque vampire strolls in I will mostly like have three ships :) Yay! If you didn't watch it, well you should...but with caution. It's a tad...ugh, raunchy? LOL! Oh dear, at least it follows the traits of most vampire novels :)
One Tree Hill - I am finding myself more and more turned off by the show. I've watched it religiously for five years but this year, I dont know. The soap opera is becoming a tad bit much. I mean what was with bringing Nanny Carrie back? Seriously? The only parts of this years opener I watched was those that consisted of LP...and even then I found myself wavering. Ah, say it ain't so Sam! Hopefully the second episode will keep my attention but there are no guarantees!
Reading: I read a trilogy over this weekend by Vikki Pettersson. It's essentially has a superhero theme minus all the kick ass superhero stuff. Light vs Dark. Blonde vs Brunette lol. It was a good read, so if you're looking for something I suggest those. However dont make the same rookie mistake I did and buy the second book first...I should have read the back properly. Ah well, read them all now.
Midnight Sun: I like Breaking Dawn, I mean I didn't love it but it was alright. Midnight Sun on the other hand...left me dying for more. I love reading Twilight from Edward's point of view, it's just a twisted, I want to suck your blood kind of way. If you haven't read, because SM most likely wont release it for a LONG while unless she has a change of heart!!
News with Me: I'm heading up to London on thurs just to chill for a week. It will be good to have some time off from work and ponder the meaning of life...and also decide what it is exactly I want to do with my life. I have an interview in London at the end of September to spend a six months in Florida, working at Disney while studying one day a week at the University of Central maybe a change of scenary will be nice. Who knows...
Oh and I am so PIMPING out this fanfiction:'s a wonderful Twilight AU fic...but incredibly in character. The girl writing it another SM in waiting, I swear. So if you're a twilight fan and find it hard to come across GREAT fictions, go and read.