So my first exam yesterday went off acceptably, I think. I have no idea what the prof is looking for, so it's kind of hard to tell. At one point I was so bored that I was reduced to writing quotations from Julian of Norwich on my wrist, but I'm feeling kind of weepy these days, and I am fond of Julian because she's reassuring, so that's okay. On the other hand, I've never had to pee so badly after an exam in my life. Note to self: drink less tea.
The other day I signed out a tenor
viol from Collegium, which is pretty exciting. I can now play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in F major and a two-octave G major scale. Badly. I can't wait to actually learn to play this instrument, it has such a lovely tone.
On the subject of crazy instruments:
Dude. Duuuuuude. MEEP. I'm even getting better at guitar!
It's a beautiful day and I'm in a pretty good mood, even though I'm stuck inside studying. How are you all?