Hmmmm mr depp

Feb 28, 2007 16:47

ive made an appointment with the counsellor but apparently the waiting list is seven to ten days = ( but at least ive made the appointment!

On happier stuff i have found somewhere to live next year!!! woop!! = D im gonna be living with six other people in a flat which is only ten mins from the uni and close to all the shops!!! hee hee = )

Visiting lexy this weekend in bath spa too which will be kewlio and she knows where mr johnny depp lives!!! yaaaaaaaay ha! then on monday i should be in cardiff for my uncles funeral = ( but that means i have loads of work to do before the weekend cos my second seminar presentation is on the tuesday! Feck i have a seminar presentation tomorro too boo = ( oh wells should be off out tonight to wtch a film at the su but its a war film aparently = S not my first choice but pfft

haves a kewlio night

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