It's time for CUPCAKES ^__^ YAY YAY.
This was on my to-do list for so long now, I almost felt obliged to make them. They turned out pretty good, if I may say so, for a first time! (Of course, the pictures on the box are always kind of betraying you. The frosting is perfect and everything looks in place. Oh well..) According to the pictures, the cakes should look white. Mine are ... still gold/brown and sticky looking, lol?
Here some pictures to check out my cupcakes ;D (Next time I'll make smiley faces) I'm too lazy to use a cut, sorry.
I wonder how you always end up with to much dough. It's almost like they know you like too much dough, so you can eat it. And yes, I kind of ate what was left.
See, even my dog likes the dough. Please don't call the PETA. :']
My babies in the oven. See you in heaven.
Yay, newly born cupcakes.
Pretty professional looking, eh?
Don't you look fine? ;D (And there is icing on them, though I should have used more?)
(They were drowning it in already, though)
Close-up. This one probably came out the best.
Enjoy! xxx (by looking at the pictures yes, I can eat them. *chomp*
These actually come in handy.. by bribing my friends. *lol*