Feb 03, 2010 21:31
holy shizz tay: your face,
hair: spiked in the front,
action: being licked to death,
hair: lovely,
photoshoots: teen vogue,
face: eyebrowsssss,
holy shizz tay: your arms,
clothes: t-shirt,
things we ♥: his face,
action: being adorable of course,
taylor: loves puppies!,
we love outtakes,
things we ♥: his animal skills,
face: i can't even handle it,
holy shizz tay: your shoulders,
omg so qt: petting the puppiessss,
action: posing for the photogs,
so addicted to: animals,
face: half hidden,
taylor: is adorable,
face: amused,
clothes: jeans